New Years Resolutions
So apparently my previous post wasn't all that popular since no one frigging commented on it. I'd still like to get reactions and what not on it if you can find it in your heart to do so. If not, well, you stink, that's all. Moving on!
Well, everyone seems to do it, so why don't I? Peer pressure, that's what it's about folks!
I've been thinking about this all day and kind of writing this entry in my head during the day, thinking of the resolutions I'm going to make. Not just one, oh no, many. There are going to be some changes around here. There's not really a good way to ease into them so I might as well just jump right in.
I resolve to wear the biggest fricking coat with the biggest pockets I have and stuff every single one of those damn pockets when I go to a movie, because it's almost ten freaking dollars to see a movie now and so I'm screwin em on the snacks baby. I think I officially just turned 50.
I'm going to say bless you every time someone sneezes, not just most of the time.
I'm going to say hi to people first, not wait for them to notice me.
I'm going to stop worrying so much about the fact that life looks daunting when you don't have a lot figured out about your future.
I'm going to stop feeling bad that I don't have a future planned out and start feeling good that I'll have one.
I'm going to stop thinking soooo much before I speak. I won't shoot off at the mouth, but I'm going to speak a little more freely from now on.
I'm going to stand up for what is right, not what is popular.
I'm going to be who I really am from now on, and not try to please people with who I can appear to be.
I'm going to stop worrying so much about what other people think about me, and worry how I feel about me.
I'm going to stop feeling down when I get weird looks from people when I tell them that I spend my new years at a bowling alley instead of partying it up and getting sloshed at someone's house, and then acquiescing to the fact that I have no social life. I'm proud of who I am and what I've gone through and how I've made it out of those things, and it's gonna show more.
I'm going to stand up for myself more often instead of just coping with things.
I'm going to stop swallowing so many frustrations that just eat me up and build up until I finally just snap after being on edge for days.
I'm going to tell people how I really feel more often.
I'm going to answer the question honestly when someone asks me how I'm doing, no matter who it is. I'm sick of saying "Good, you?" and then smiling even if I feel like collapsing and crying.
I'm not going to be so damn available anymore, I give myself out too much. I'm not saying I'm going to be closed off, but I want to be pursued dammit, and I want someone to really want to know something or know me rather than me really wanting them to know me and just letting stuff out.
I'm going to be more open and caring and loving to those who do pursue me and knowing me.
These resolutions so far may seem a little harsh and you may be thinking, "Watch out, the D has lost it and he's gonna be mean!" Hush now my little ones, such is not the case as you will see.
I'm going to be more loving, to everyone. Further more:
I'm going to be more loving even if they don't love me back or show it or say it or whatever, I'm going to be more loving anyway.
I'm going to make sure that my actions back up my words, rather than take away their meaning.
If I make a promise, I'm doing to do everything I can to keep it.
Though I resolve to air my frustrations out more often, I will air them out calmly and lovingly with an open mind and heart.
When I tell people how I really feel more often, it will be both bad and good feelings. If someone has hurt me, I'm going to tell them from now on. If I love someone, they are damn well going to know it.
I'm still gonna do my best to screw the theaters and their outrageous prices. Damn you theaters!
I'm going to continue to be who I am, and if there are people who have no interest in knowing that person and would rather just assume things about me, then that is their problem. I'm still me.
I'm not going to let my work define me. I won't even let my passions or interests define me, rather, they are simply a part of me. I define me, my heart defines me. My creator has defined me, I'm just looking in the dictionary to read more of that definition.
I won't be bothered by the reactions and looks I get when I tell someone about who I love. If they have an issue with it, then that is their issue, not mine. I won't let myself get down about that anymore because I know who I am, and I know how I feel, and they are no part of either.
I'm going to tip a little more, just because I know how nice a good tip feels.
I'm going to drink less. Not because I drink a lot (goodness knows I don't) but because there are healthier things to drink and because of the next reason.
I'm going to have a flat, nice stomach by summer dammit.
I'm going to do more things that scare me. I'm not talking about like, eating a spider (how'd you feel reading that Tracy?), I'm talking about going into situations that I would normally be scared to get into. Or talking to a stranger, or whatever it may be. I'm going to make myself do those.
I'm going to say YES a lot more. You read that right. I'm going to answer questions and invitations with a YES more often. It will get me into things that may make me nervous, but I will see more because of it.
I'm going to say I love you more, not because I think they'd forget, but because I do, and I want them to know that, and it feels so nice when someone tells you just because they want to. Doesn't it? You're smiling right now, I can feel it.
Last, but not least, I'm going to print this blog out and post it above my bed, so I can read it often, and keep these things in mind. I don't want to be one of those people who make a resolution and then two weeks later, it's kaput. I really want to do this, and so I'm going to make sure I don't forget.
Do you make resolutions? If you don't, then go ahead and make one at least. If you do, then, umm, well, way to go. Leave some of yours on here and share em with The D. May you have above all a safe new years. Be smart, be caring, be the ball. (don't ask)
Well, everyone seems to do it, so why don't I? Peer pressure, that's what it's about folks!
I've been thinking about this all day and kind of writing this entry in my head during the day, thinking of the resolutions I'm going to make. Not just one, oh no, many. There are going to be some changes around here. There's not really a good way to ease into them so I might as well just jump right in.
I resolve to wear the biggest fricking coat with the biggest pockets I have and stuff every single one of those damn pockets when I go to a movie, because it's almost ten freaking dollars to see a movie now and so I'm screwin em on the snacks baby. I think I officially just turned 50.
I'm going to say bless you every time someone sneezes, not just most of the time.
I'm going to say hi to people first, not wait for them to notice me.
I'm going to stop worrying so much about the fact that life looks daunting when you don't have a lot figured out about your future.
I'm going to stop feeling bad that I don't have a future planned out and start feeling good that I'll have one.
I'm going to stop thinking soooo much before I speak. I won't shoot off at the mouth, but I'm going to speak a little more freely from now on.
I'm going to stand up for what is right, not what is popular.
I'm going to be who I really am from now on, and not try to please people with who I can appear to be.
I'm going to stop worrying so much about what other people think about me, and worry how I feel about me.
I'm going to stop feeling down when I get weird looks from people when I tell them that I spend my new years at a bowling alley instead of partying it up and getting sloshed at someone's house, and then acquiescing to the fact that I have no social life. I'm proud of who I am and what I've gone through and how I've made it out of those things, and it's gonna show more.
I'm going to stand up for myself more often instead of just coping with things.
I'm going to stop swallowing so many frustrations that just eat me up and build up until I finally just snap after being on edge for days.
I'm going to tell people how I really feel more often.
I'm going to answer the question honestly when someone asks me how I'm doing, no matter who it is. I'm sick of saying "Good, you?" and then smiling even if I feel like collapsing and crying.
I'm not going to be so damn available anymore, I give myself out too much. I'm not saying I'm going to be closed off, but I want to be pursued dammit, and I want someone to really want to know something or know me rather than me really wanting them to know me and just letting stuff out.
I'm going to be more open and caring and loving to those who do pursue me and knowing me.
These resolutions so far may seem a little harsh and you may be thinking, "Watch out, the D has lost it and he's gonna be mean!" Hush now my little ones, such is not the case as you will see.
I'm going to be more loving, to everyone. Further more:
I'm going to be more loving even if they don't love me back or show it or say it or whatever, I'm going to be more loving anyway.
I'm going to make sure that my actions back up my words, rather than take away their meaning.
If I make a promise, I'm doing to do everything I can to keep it.
Though I resolve to air my frustrations out more often, I will air them out calmly and lovingly with an open mind and heart.
When I tell people how I really feel more often, it will be both bad and good feelings. If someone has hurt me, I'm going to tell them from now on. If I love someone, they are damn well going to know it.
I'm still gonna do my best to screw the theaters and their outrageous prices. Damn you theaters!
I'm going to continue to be who I am, and if there are people who have no interest in knowing that person and would rather just assume things about me, then that is their problem. I'm still me.
I'm not going to let my work define me. I won't even let my passions or interests define me, rather, they are simply a part of me. I define me, my heart defines me. My creator has defined me, I'm just looking in the dictionary to read more of that definition.
I won't be bothered by the reactions and looks I get when I tell someone about who I love. If they have an issue with it, then that is their issue, not mine. I won't let myself get down about that anymore because I know who I am, and I know how I feel, and they are no part of either.
I'm going to tip a little more, just because I know how nice a good tip feels.
I'm going to drink less. Not because I drink a lot (goodness knows I don't) but because there are healthier things to drink and because of the next reason.
I'm going to have a flat, nice stomach by summer dammit.
I'm going to do more things that scare me. I'm not talking about like, eating a spider (how'd you feel reading that Tracy?), I'm talking about going into situations that I would normally be scared to get into. Or talking to a stranger, or whatever it may be. I'm going to make myself do those.
I'm going to say YES a lot more. You read that right. I'm going to answer questions and invitations with a YES more often. It will get me into things that may make me nervous, but I will see more because of it.
I'm going to say I love you more, not because I think they'd forget, but because I do, and I want them to know that, and it feels so nice when someone tells you just because they want to. Doesn't it? You're smiling right now, I can feel it.
Last, but not least, I'm going to print this blog out and post it above my bed, so I can read it often, and keep these things in mind. I don't want to be one of those people who make a resolution and then two weeks later, it's kaput. I really want to do this, and so I'm going to make sure I don't forget.
Do you make resolutions? If you don't, then go ahead and make one at least. If you do, then, umm, well, way to go. Leave some of yours on here and share em with The D. May you have above all a safe new years. Be smart, be caring, be the ball. (don't ask)
Hey D,
I just entered your blog and TOTALLY loved it. I just read this post but I'll continue reading and commenting. Promisse.
Happy New Year,
Anonymous, at 12:33 PM
Well MGirl, i'm TOTALLY glad you loved it. Ha, great word. Please come back and share with us. And hey, where's your new years resolution?? Unless it was to come back and comment on my blog, in which case, good one!
The D, at 2:01 PM
"I'm going to say I love you more, not because I think they'd forget, but because I do, and I want them to know that, and it feels so nice when someone tells you just because they want to. Doesn't it? You're smiling right now, I can feel it."
Actually I teared up a little, not too much I am in a public place. Everyone should hear that they are loved and you have no idea how much I wish I could hear you say it to me just so I could hear someone say it other than my parents. ANd because I knew that if YOU said would mean it and not just say it because you felt obligated because I said it first. You know I have loved you for as long as I've known you. I've never kept that secret. I am truly proud that I know and love you in this moment though. You have a difficult list of resolutions here, but each one of them could make your life more enoyable and fullfilling if you let them. I wish you luck and happiness in all your endeavours this year.
Anonymous, at 5:52 AM
What a beautiful, heartfelt comment Amber. Thank you, that meant a lot. Thank you. I love you, and you always have been close to me and always have a special place with me of course. Don't go too far away even though you're so far now. :-)
The D, at 11:28 AM
Good resolutions, keep us posted on how that goes for you. All of us are going to keep you accountable, maybe even test you ;) No, we won't do that - just kidding. But I'm glad you made those, though I'm not quite understanding the coat one...
Can you elaborate please?
HP (See, I'm signing my name. Even though it's elusive and very suspiciously like a computer company name)
Anonymous, at 10:32 PM
I PACK my pockets with snacks so that I don't have to buy them at the crazy prices that the theater charges, you know, 20 bucks for popcorn and such. So it's my way of sticking it to the man.
The D, at 10:34 PM
A great blog about New Years resolutions! There's a lot of deep stuff in there and it's all so...scrumptralescent! Reading it gave me some thoughts on stuff I would like to work towards more.
Matt, at 7:24 PM
I'm there with you on the snackage D. I recently took me a sausage taco into the theater because a "hotdog" (if you can call them that) woulda dropped me about $5. So screw them!
Of course, concessions actually consists of 85% of the money movie theaters make but that is NO reason to charge $6 for nachos. I mean, I could get a 10 piece Chicken McNugget meal for less than that, for friggin' sake! Geez!
As for a New Year's resolution - I typically don't do 'em... but you've inspired me to try this year. I'll let you know what I come up with, but it'll be on MY blog.
Anyway, keep on keepin' on D. For what it's worth, I'm still reading.
Thatgirl7278, at 5:04 PM
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