The D is back
Yes, yes, I know, it has been so very long that you all thought I had left you to suffer without your proper Vitamin D dosage, that's right, I'm a vitamin now baby. Allow me to explain:
Moving requires packing. When you've lived somewhere for a little over 3 years and you've now got to pack it all into a car and pickup truck, it requires creative packing and a lot of your time. Most of September was dedicated to packing things up. Then I spent the third week of September here in New York. At my parents house, we certainly have the internet, I'm on it now. However, my dear sweet grandmother was visiting from Idaho, and I haven't seen her in a long time. I spent most of that week with her and my parents, also unpacking my car. To add to it, my grandmother was staying in the computer room for her entire visit, making internet access a little more difficult to come by.
Then I took my father's truck up to Massachusetts for another week, where I would later pack it out the ass (meaning: I packed it like a dirty mofo. That should make sense now). However, since I had packed my computer and brought it with me to NY, I had no computer in Massachusetts, making internet access a little difficult.
So now, here I am, the beginning of October, and I am now in NY for good, well, for at least a year or so, and I have a grandmother-free computer room (it was great to see her), and internet access, and a computer. So here I am again, back to write my pithy thoughts upon this lovely screen, and to have all of you come read again. I hope my throngs of adoring fans will accept me back.
Now to my real topic, now that I've blathered about excuses for all eternity. Recenty, I was lying in bed, just thinking; which is something I do pretty much every night before I go to bed. I was thinking about my future, and what the hell I'm going to do, and all that jazz, you know. However, I was at complete peace this time instead of being a little scared, anxious, and nervous. I recently received so many compliments from the music I had written when I finally started giving people cd's of the recordings, and from performances and my church and a couple other places. I have always loved music, and although my musical knowledge garnered from schooling is right next to zilch, I have music just flowing through me. For some reason, I understand music. We just know each other, and we don't have to say a word. I can feel the music, I can watch the music, I can put myself in it and feel the music, experience the emotion that drove whoever it was to write it. I was lying in my bed with a little smile, and I understood that this is where I am to be. Yes, I love writing, and writing songs is still a form of writing, and I can still write things other than songs; but music, music is where I am meant to be.
I can't quite describe what it felt like to actually realize something like that. Who knows, my epiphany may be defunct by next month, but music is something that has always been around me and in me, so I highly doubt it. I am going to write more songs, do some real, professional recordings, and I'm going to put it out there and see what happens. It means too much to me to just let pass. It has meant too much to others as well, and that's the reason I'm in it in the first place. To have someone you don't know come up to you after crying, and try to explain to you what your song did for them or to them, is the most amazing feeling in the world, and it will never cease to give me goosebumps and tingles.
Hopefully soon, I will be able to take those two songs I have recorded and post them on here. I'll make it it's own separate post, and if this site won't let me upload files like that, then you can all just e-mail me and I'll send you a copy in the e-mail.
My sincerest apologies for the length of time that has passed between posts, I have not forgotton about you, I hope you have not forgotton about me. (I feel like I'm in Mister Rogers now, yikes)
Moving requires packing. When you've lived somewhere for a little over 3 years and you've now got to pack it all into a car and pickup truck, it requires creative packing and a lot of your time. Most of September was dedicated to packing things up. Then I spent the third week of September here in New York. At my parents house, we certainly have the internet, I'm on it now. However, my dear sweet grandmother was visiting from Idaho, and I haven't seen her in a long time. I spent most of that week with her and my parents, also unpacking my car. To add to it, my grandmother was staying in the computer room for her entire visit, making internet access a little more difficult to come by.
Then I took my father's truck up to Massachusetts for another week, where I would later pack it out the ass (meaning: I packed it like a dirty mofo. That should make sense now). However, since I had packed my computer and brought it with me to NY, I had no computer in Massachusetts, making internet access a little difficult.
So now, here I am, the beginning of October, and I am now in NY for good, well, for at least a year or so, and I have a grandmother-free computer room (it was great to see her), and internet access, and a computer. So here I am again, back to write my pithy thoughts upon this lovely screen, and to have all of you come read again. I hope my throngs of adoring fans will accept me back.
Now to my real topic, now that I've blathered about excuses for all eternity. Recenty, I was lying in bed, just thinking; which is something I do pretty much every night before I go to bed. I was thinking about my future, and what the hell I'm going to do, and all that jazz, you know. However, I was at complete peace this time instead of being a little scared, anxious, and nervous. I recently received so many compliments from the music I had written when I finally started giving people cd's of the recordings, and from performances and my church and a couple other places. I have always loved music, and although my musical knowledge garnered from schooling is right next to zilch, I have music just flowing through me. For some reason, I understand music. We just know each other, and we don't have to say a word. I can feel the music, I can watch the music, I can put myself in it and feel the music, experience the emotion that drove whoever it was to write it. I was lying in my bed with a little smile, and I understood that this is where I am to be. Yes, I love writing, and writing songs is still a form of writing, and I can still write things other than songs; but music, music is where I am meant to be.
I can't quite describe what it felt like to actually realize something like that. Who knows, my epiphany may be defunct by next month, but music is something that has always been around me and in me, so I highly doubt it. I am going to write more songs, do some real, professional recordings, and I'm going to put it out there and see what happens. It means too much to me to just let pass. It has meant too much to others as well, and that's the reason I'm in it in the first place. To have someone you don't know come up to you after crying, and try to explain to you what your song did for them or to them, is the most amazing feeling in the world, and it will never cease to give me goosebumps and tingles.
Hopefully soon, I will be able to take those two songs I have recorded and post them on here. I'll make it it's own separate post, and if this site won't let me upload files like that, then you can all just e-mail me and I'll send you a copy in the e-mail.
My sincerest apologies for the length of time that has passed between posts, I have not forgotton about you, I hope you have not forgotton about me. (I feel like I'm in Mister Rogers now, yikes)
Vitamin D is my favorite! It's because you can get it naturally and not have to take those pills. I don't mind swallowing pills, it's just that not all pills are meant to be swallowed. Ya' know?
Welcome back Gabe Kaplan. Your dreams were your ticket out. I missed reading your inane ramblings. I mean, pithy insights.
If your epiphany turns out to be defunct, don't let your friendship with music suffer. Don't stop writing and calling because the relationship isn't what you were expecting/hoping it would be. You guys can still be friends.
Did you show your grandma your t-shirt that makes reference to her?
Now that your home and have been epiphanied, you could learn to play another Eagles song: "I got a peaceful easy feeling..."
Anonymous, at 10:20 PM
d, good to hear from you again. keep up the writing and singing.
Anonymous, at 6:26 PM
I find it a little angering that all the people who seemed to be regular readers haven't returned yet. It's been 24 hours already. I was checking everyday to see if you had written anything and apparently I was the only one.
Anonymous, at 6:28 PM
Hey D have you tried MySpace? I don't know how they do it but you can sign up as a musician and post songs on your profile there. Lemme know if and when you get some music up. Until then I am still waiting for my phone call performance =) Oh number changed...dunno if I told you but I will email you with it. Actually I got lots of good news to email you about -insert glowing smile here-
Anonymous, at 8:06 AM
welcome back.
Thatgirl7278, at 1:00 PM
Glad your back, Matt has all his stuff moved in now and is travelling back & forth for a while hopefully he will start his blog up again soon. Keep the faith and your music will be even better. "Larry " the speller
Anonymous, at 3:53 PM
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