Muslims and ILLEGAL immigrants
Whether or not you follow politics and current events is immaterial right now. Today, news was out about a terrorist plot to kill "as many Americans as possible" at Fort Dix in NJ. Some of you may have heard about it, some of you may not pay attention. I'd like to take some time to delve into this subject and some things behind it, and i urge you and plead with you just to give me a few minutes of your time and read on. After all, whether you like politics, or hate it, it affects you in many, many different forms, and can be as important as life or death. Thing I'm exaggerating? How about the thousands of people who died in 9/11, I'm sure many of them couldn't give a crap about politics, and yet it was part of their demise. Moving on.
To give a quick recap, a group of 6 men who lived in NJ had been infiltrated by the FBI after a video store clerk called the cops after receiving a suspicious video tape they had asked him to convert to DVD. That's the gist of it, and that's pretty much what you'll hear on TV and in print. These 6 men had planned to use AK-47's and other firearms, possibly using RPG's as well, to kill as many Americans as the could at Fort Dix. Why Fort Dix? Because one of them delivered pizza there for a long time and knew the place like the palm of his hand.
What you may not hear is that all 6 were muslim. Surprised? I hope not. If you're surprised by that last statement, I will ask you to please get a clue. 4 of the 6 were born in the former Yugoslavia and are ethnic Albanian (see: Muslim). One was born in Jordan, and another in Turkey. Now Darrell, you say, how can you assume they are muslim just because of their birthplace? Good question. The video they wanted reproduced at the video store was titled "19" in reference to the 19 hijackers of Sept. 11th. They replicated other al-Qaeda videos in their dress and actions, and chanted repeatedly, Allah Akbar, which means god is great. So yes, they were all muslim. Further more, only three of these men were legally in the United States. Yes, that's right, three of the men were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (I will never call the anything other than that) Wow, you mean, not all illegal immigrants are Mexican? Nope. Let's move on.
For now, we'll look at the Muslim aspect. Again, it should come as no surprise considering that basically every act of terrorism in this modern age has been committed by Muslims doing this in the name of Allah. This alone begs scores of questions. I will attempt a few.
1. Considering we have yet another in the long line of terrorist plots by muslims, is there some reason that we are not profiling in every arena of society? Profiling has been given such a dirty name lately, but we forget that there are FBI and CIA people who are professionals at profiling. It's one of the ways they catch serial killers! That you wouldn't target young to middle aged Muslim men for more searches than anyone absolutely flies in the face of logic. Oh, but Darrell, most Muslims are peaceful individuals and are not associated with this fanaticism. You're right, absolutely. 99% of all Muslims are peaceful, I won't dispute that, I agree. As of now, there are about 1 billion Muslims in the world today. Anyone know what 1% of a billion is? That's right! 10 million. So if only 1% of all Muslims hate us and want to kill us, then I would profile them like nobodies business, cause that's still a LOT of people who hate us.
2. Why do Muslim extremists hate us so much? According to people I have talked to on this subject, and this also goes along with much I've heard and read in certain news arenas, it must be because of something we did to them. Oppression is a good one batted around, though I'm not sure what oppression they refer to. Here's the problem. First, we look at this fanatical brand of Islam through American tinted glasses. Things here are relatively rational. There is an explanation for things, there is a cause and effect in place here in America for the most part. It is stupid to use logic that works in America for other cultures and regions that have had a history of fanatic violence dating back to the 7th century! This is not some new development people! By looking through these glasses, we come to the conclusion that there MUST be a reason for it, it couldn't be irrational. Hmm, wrong. Just today, by odd coincidence, I ran across a story in the Daily News. It talked about a TV show called "Tomorrow's Pioneers" for Palestinian kids that had a Mickey Mouse clone dancing and singing and talking to these delightful children. (For those of you who don't know Palestinians, they are the country always fighting Israel. Yes, the middle east.) In his squeaky cute voice, Farfur the mouse, the clone of Mickey, tells children to drink milk, pray daily, and to take up AK-47 assault rifles to defeat Israel and the US. Yummy. He taunts Bush, Rice, Israeli prime minister current and past. His side kick, a girl named Saraa, says things like "we want to resist against the enemy, and we don't want to surrender." This is only a piece of the story and what they were saying to little kids in that area. Yeah, this sounds rational. We must be oppressing them by not letting Barney spew this hatred.
I would also like to point out one quick thing before moving quickly to illegal immigration. Back in mid February of this year, a lone gunman opened fire in a Salt Lake City mall, killing five and wounding four people before being shot by an off duty cop. His name was Sulejmen Talovic, he was 18, may he rot in hell. Our foully departed was a MUSLIM refugee from...*drum roll*...Bosnia! Means nothing to you does it. Didn't think so. Bosnia is party of the former Yugoslavia, where four of the six men in this latest terrorist plot came from as well. Hmm. I'm not making some wild assumption, but it's an interesting point, and should be thought about. Moving on.
Not enough will be made about the fact that 3 of these guys are ILLEGALLY here in the USA. This begs some more points and questions. In regards to the immense problem we have with illegal immigrants (not freaking undocumented workers, they're ILLEGAL), there are two issues. What to do with the millions already here, and what to do about the millions trying to get here. As far as I'm concerned, we should place top priority on closing our borders to illegals. Legal movement between countries is fine; illegal is not. It is, in fact, illegal. Just making sure I mention that seven or eight times. Most people think that the illegal immigration issue is just about Mexicans coming across the border in droves. While it is mainly about that, and mainly concerning economic issues, it's not the only thing. Our insecure borders leave a weak, vulnerable point through which people wanting to "kill as many Americans as possible" can enter into our society, blend in, and plot our destruction. Have you heard about the story of middle eastern men shaving off their beards and posing as Mexicans coming across our southern border? Please wake up and pay attention! Our southern border is a sieve right now. It is estimated that around 8,000 people cross the southern border EVERY DAY. Every freaking day!!! Not everyone of those people are nice and gentle Mexicans just looking to have a better life for themselves. Some of those are people looking to kill you, yes, YOU. To them, it makes no difference what your political stance is, how much you love Iranian culture, how much you make, or whether you have the latest iPod or not. To them, you are an American, and that is reason enough to shoot you, cut your head off, or whatever despicable act of death they have in mind. This issue trumps politics because of those very reasons, and yet nothing is done.
If you've read this far, I thank you. I feel that there is a lot of really important issues here that affect every single one of us in this country (that are here LEGALLY, not ILLEGALLY like all the ILLEGAL immigrants). I've heard so many reasons for not liking politics, whether it's boring, or not entertaining to them, or it just doesn't affect them. Like I said about the victims of 9/11, it makes no difference whether you like it or not, it WILL affect you, and that effect could be life or death. In my mind, that's reason enough to pay attention. As always, I encourage intelligent comments and questions as I have done plenty of research about all this stuff and given a lot of my intellect to the topic. I would appreciate the same. Below are a couple links that are also important.
This link is a brief description of the men involved in this plot.
This link is the actual complaint in this case and is a very interesting and detailed read about these men, their actions and their words which were recorded by the FBI infiltrators and is written in this. Simply to read some of the things they say is very important in understanding this blind hatred they have for you and I, and their desire to kill us all, regardless of everything else. Please read it, even just for that reason alone. And please, get involved. You don't have to join up on a campaign or something like that, just know what's going on in this country and in the world. You are affected by a score of political issues, both socially and economically, and if you sit back and ignore it and continue to spend all your time watching Dancing with the Stars and worrying about the plight of Paris Hilton, then you will have no say or idea about those effects that could mean dire consequences for you, whether you like politics or not. Thanks.
The D
To give a quick recap, a group of 6 men who lived in NJ had been infiltrated by the FBI after a video store clerk called the cops after receiving a suspicious video tape they had asked him to convert to DVD. That's the gist of it, and that's pretty much what you'll hear on TV and in print. These 6 men had planned to use AK-47's and other firearms, possibly using RPG's as well, to kill as many Americans as the could at Fort Dix. Why Fort Dix? Because one of them delivered pizza there for a long time and knew the place like the palm of his hand.
What you may not hear is that all 6 were muslim. Surprised? I hope not. If you're surprised by that last statement, I will ask you to please get a clue. 4 of the 6 were born in the former Yugoslavia and are ethnic Albanian (see: Muslim). One was born in Jordan, and another in Turkey. Now Darrell, you say, how can you assume they are muslim just because of their birthplace? Good question. The video they wanted reproduced at the video store was titled "19" in reference to the 19 hijackers of Sept. 11th. They replicated other al-Qaeda videos in their dress and actions, and chanted repeatedly, Allah Akbar, which means god is great. So yes, they were all muslim. Further more, only three of these men were legally in the United States. Yes, that's right, three of the men were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (I will never call the anything other than that) Wow, you mean, not all illegal immigrants are Mexican? Nope. Let's move on.
For now, we'll look at the Muslim aspect. Again, it should come as no surprise considering that basically every act of terrorism in this modern age has been committed by Muslims doing this in the name of Allah. This alone begs scores of questions. I will attempt a few.
1. Considering we have yet another in the long line of terrorist plots by muslims, is there some reason that we are not profiling in every arena of society? Profiling has been given such a dirty name lately, but we forget that there are FBI and CIA people who are professionals at profiling. It's one of the ways they catch serial killers! That you wouldn't target young to middle aged Muslim men for more searches than anyone absolutely flies in the face of logic. Oh, but Darrell, most Muslims are peaceful individuals and are not associated with this fanaticism. You're right, absolutely. 99% of all Muslims are peaceful, I won't dispute that, I agree. As of now, there are about 1 billion Muslims in the world today. Anyone know what 1% of a billion is? That's right! 10 million. So if only 1% of all Muslims hate us and want to kill us, then I would profile them like nobodies business, cause that's still a LOT of people who hate us.
2. Why do Muslim extremists hate us so much? According to people I have talked to on this subject, and this also goes along with much I've heard and read in certain news arenas, it must be because of something we did to them. Oppression is a good one batted around, though I'm not sure what oppression they refer to. Here's the problem. First, we look at this fanatical brand of Islam through American tinted glasses. Things here are relatively rational. There is an explanation for things, there is a cause and effect in place here in America for the most part. It is stupid to use logic that works in America for other cultures and regions that have had a history of fanatic violence dating back to the 7th century! This is not some new development people! By looking through these glasses, we come to the conclusion that there MUST be a reason for it, it couldn't be irrational. Hmm, wrong. Just today, by odd coincidence, I ran across a story in the Daily News. It talked about a TV show called "Tomorrow's Pioneers" for Palestinian kids that had a Mickey Mouse clone dancing and singing and talking to these delightful children. (For those of you who don't know Palestinians, they are the country always fighting Israel. Yes, the middle east.) In his squeaky cute voice, Farfur the mouse, the clone of Mickey, tells children to drink milk, pray daily, and to take up AK-47 assault rifles to defeat Israel and the US. Yummy. He taunts Bush, Rice, Israeli prime minister current and past. His side kick, a girl named Saraa, says things like "we want to resist against the enemy, and we don't want to surrender." This is only a piece of the story and what they were saying to little kids in that area. Yeah, this sounds rational. We must be oppressing them by not letting Barney spew this hatred.
I would also like to point out one quick thing before moving quickly to illegal immigration. Back in mid February of this year, a lone gunman opened fire in a Salt Lake City mall, killing five and wounding four people before being shot by an off duty cop. His name was Sulejmen Talovic, he was 18, may he rot in hell. Our foully departed was a MUSLIM refugee from...*drum roll*...Bosnia! Means nothing to you does it. Didn't think so. Bosnia is party of the former Yugoslavia, where four of the six men in this latest terrorist plot came from as well. Hmm. I'm not making some wild assumption, but it's an interesting point, and should be thought about. Moving on.
Not enough will be made about the fact that 3 of these guys are ILLEGALLY here in the USA. This begs some more points and questions. In regards to the immense problem we have with illegal immigrants (not freaking undocumented workers, they're ILLEGAL), there are two issues. What to do with the millions already here, and what to do about the millions trying to get here. As far as I'm concerned, we should place top priority on closing our borders to illegals. Legal movement between countries is fine; illegal is not. It is, in fact, illegal. Just making sure I mention that seven or eight times. Most people think that the illegal immigration issue is just about Mexicans coming across the border in droves. While it is mainly about that, and mainly concerning economic issues, it's not the only thing. Our insecure borders leave a weak, vulnerable point through which people wanting to "kill as many Americans as possible" can enter into our society, blend in, and plot our destruction. Have you heard about the story of middle eastern men shaving off their beards and posing as Mexicans coming across our southern border? Please wake up and pay attention! Our southern border is a sieve right now. It is estimated that around 8,000 people cross the southern border EVERY DAY. Every freaking day!!! Not everyone of those people are nice and gentle Mexicans just looking to have a better life for themselves. Some of those are people looking to kill you, yes, YOU. To them, it makes no difference what your political stance is, how much you love Iranian culture, how much you make, or whether you have the latest iPod or not. To them, you are an American, and that is reason enough to shoot you, cut your head off, or whatever despicable act of death they have in mind. This issue trumps politics because of those very reasons, and yet nothing is done.
If you've read this far, I thank you. I feel that there is a lot of really important issues here that affect every single one of us in this country (that are here LEGALLY, not ILLEGALLY like all the ILLEGAL immigrants). I've heard so many reasons for not liking politics, whether it's boring, or not entertaining to them, or it just doesn't affect them. Like I said about the victims of 9/11, it makes no difference whether you like it or not, it WILL affect you, and that effect could be life or death. In my mind, that's reason enough to pay attention. As always, I encourage intelligent comments and questions as I have done plenty of research about all this stuff and given a lot of my intellect to the topic. I would appreciate the same. Below are a couple links that are also important.
This link is a brief description of the men involved in this plot.
This link is the actual complaint in this case and is a very interesting and detailed read about these men, their actions and their words which were recorded by the FBI infiltrators and is written in this. Simply to read some of the things they say is very important in understanding this blind hatred they have for you and I, and their desire to kill us all, regardless of everything else. Please read it, even just for that reason alone. And please, get involved. You don't have to join up on a campaign or something like that, just know what's going on in this country and in the world. You are affected by a score of political issues, both socially and economically, and if you sit back and ignore it and continue to spend all your time watching Dancing with the Stars and worrying about the plight of Paris Hilton, then you will have no say or idea about those effects that could mean dire consequences for you, whether you like politics or not. Thanks.
The D
ah, my ex-roommate has become a neo-con! jk. well, i have become a long haired hippie, so i guess mother nature is still in balance. :)
just wanted to say hey and whats up. i've been back in the states for a month now...still strange to see all the excess that is america. living outside the american bubble for a year definitely helps you see the world differently...perhaps more accurately.
as for comments to your blog, i don't really have an opinion on profiling. as a hippie would say, never trust the government. and as NOFX would say, never trust a hippie. so i'm pleading the fifth on that one.
the illegal immigration issue is solely economic in my opinion. the american economy, given its current position on "free trade" needs those workers to compete against global competitors.
i do not believe that having secure boarders would prevent terrorist attacks in this country. the phrase "where there's a will, there's a way" comes to mind. have secure boarders will obviously make it a little more difficult to come into the country illegally, but the terrorists will still come into the country. there is simply no stopping that, just slowing it down.
i could rant and rave about the "war on terror" blah blah blah, but it's too early in the morning to get all huffy about it. you could just watch FOX News instead to get an honest, unbiased, objective view on that. :)
talk to you later big man.
By Anonymous, at 8:36 AM
I agree, the immigration issue is mostly economic, but when you consider the amount of felons coming in through the border, it poses a dangerous threat to our security as well. But yes, it is mostly economic.
"Free trade" is something I have issues with, because the standards and pay around the world are heavily skewed towards outsourcing, which puts the US at a major disadvantage. It seems like a great idea, and it feels like a good thing to do, but the logistics are another thing.
I do agree that even if we secure our borders, terrorists will still find some way to hit us, but if securing them makes it that much more difficult, then why wouldn't we do it simply for that reason? Do you not even try or attempt to make it safer because they will get here anyway? C'mon, we are owed protection above anyting else, and I want it.
I didn't get into the war on terror because to me that's a different issue. This is a more domestic issue rather than foreign.
Thanks for the comment.
By The D, at 2:18 PM
Are the comments off on your new post about religion for a reason?! :)
By Melissa, at 7:46 AM
hehe...a conservative who agrees about the danger of a religon who in their doctrine state (to sum up) try to convert people, but if they don't believe, you can kill them...from what i sum up is the thinking behind jihad & suicide bombings.
not that we should hate muslims, but be wary of the illegal ones...
By IZenBet, at 8:38 AM
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