A body to diet for
Ok, got a few thoughts before I get to the main point.
Speed limits. How long would it take for you to get annoyed, even pissed off, at the guy in front of you driving several mph under the speed limit? 2, maybe 5 seconds? Point is, the speed limit is the maximum you're allowed to drive, not a suggestion of how fast you should drive. Heaven forbid someone should slow down and enjoy the scenery and drive a whole 5 mph under the limit. They'd friggin get run off the road. Just interesting how everyone pushes everyone else to go as fast as you can. Kind of like work and the american way of life. ANYWAY.
So a couple days ago, some anonymous pansy left me a stupid comment and didn't leave a name or even an initial. (If you are reading this and know I'm talking about you, you're a big wuss and I'm trying to keep it clean for any kids reading this. Why would parents let their kids read this?? Don't you love your kids??!) I wish I hadn't deleted the comment so I could paste it in here, but here's the gist of it:
"You don't know who I am, but I read your blog and you sound like a really depressed and very insecure person. You are someone who just loafs through life, and if you keep talking and writing this way, no girl will ever be attracted to you because they don't want someone like you. I feel sorry for you. And if you don't like someone saying something about your halloween costume, then don't talk to them."
I can't do the stupidity justice with a summation, but there you go. And to make it even more precious, this person left the comment on my Mom and Dad entry. Classy. Let me lay some rules down for comments.
1. If you're going to leave a comment, make it have something to do with that entry, give it a shot, really.
2. If you don't know me, don't assume you do now that you've read my blog. If you do know me, then you're life has been richly blessed and you consider yourself a very lucky person and you consider me a sort of angel (ok i'm going to stop this before it gets out of hand) :-)
3. Don't leave a comment without leaving a name or at least an initial.
4. Don't be dumb like that other person.
Ok. I've aired out my grievances. (It's not festivus is it?)
To the main item! Simply put, I'm overweight. I contest that I've gotten fat, but my roommate keeps saying I haven't. I think he's just being nice. What a nice guy. Go see his blog too. I've developed a little paunch and it's really starting to get to me now. So armed with a gym membership, a dedication and commitment to getting back in shape, and um, well I guess that's all I'm armed with. So I'm going to keep track of everything here on my blog in addition to my normal postings. Don't worry, you won't lose any of the wonderful writings of The D during my weight loss fun time. (I'm trying to keep this happy so I don't think about diets. Yucky.) By the way, someone just said to me "I'm surprised your eyes don't look like roadmaps" in response to me being at a computer all day. Does that make sense? I think I'm going to go kick this man now.
Ok, so I'm back. He's on the floor writhing in pain (not really). If I cheat on the diet, or don't go to the gym when I'm supposed to, I'll have to write it on here and listen to all the disappointed comments. I weigh 215 lbs. right now, and I'm 6 feet tall. My goal is to be down to 195-200 lbs. by October 1st. I'd also like to remain at 6 feet tall, that'd be keen. So there it is. From now until Octubre first (I'm so spanish), I will keep my diet doings on here for all to see and follow. Feel free to write nice comments like "D, you're not fat, you're the best looking man I've ever seen!" and "D, I want to contribute lots of money to your losing weight cause and set you up with my supermodel cousin."
She's paying though, I mean, c'mon, she's a supermodel.
Speed limits. How long would it take for you to get annoyed, even pissed off, at the guy in front of you driving several mph under the speed limit? 2, maybe 5 seconds? Point is, the speed limit is the maximum you're allowed to drive, not a suggestion of how fast you should drive. Heaven forbid someone should slow down and enjoy the scenery and drive a whole 5 mph under the limit. They'd friggin get run off the road. Just interesting how everyone pushes everyone else to go as fast as you can. Kind of like work and the american way of life. ANYWAY.
So a couple days ago, some anonymous pansy left me a stupid comment and didn't leave a name or even an initial. (If you are reading this and know I'm talking about you, you're a big wuss and I'm trying to keep it clean for any kids reading this. Why would parents let their kids read this?? Don't you love your kids??!) I wish I hadn't deleted the comment so I could paste it in here, but here's the gist of it:
"You don't know who I am, but I read your blog and you sound like a really depressed and very insecure person. You are someone who just loafs through life, and if you keep talking and writing this way, no girl will ever be attracted to you because they don't want someone like you. I feel sorry for you. And if you don't like someone saying something about your halloween costume, then don't talk to them."
I can't do the stupidity justice with a summation, but there you go. And to make it even more precious, this person left the comment on my Mom and Dad entry. Classy. Let me lay some rules down for comments.
1. If you're going to leave a comment, make it have something to do with that entry, give it a shot, really.
2. If you don't know me, don't assume you do now that you've read my blog. If you do know me, then you're life has been richly blessed and you consider yourself a very lucky person and you consider me a sort of angel (ok i'm going to stop this before it gets out of hand) :-)
3. Don't leave a comment without leaving a name or at least an initial.
4. Don't be dumb like that other person.
Ok. I've aired out my grievances. (It's not festivus is it?)
To the main item! Simply put, I'm overweight. I contest that I've gotten fat, but my roommate keeps saying I haven't. I think he's just being nice. What a nice guy. Go see his blog too. I've developed a little paunch and it's really starting to get to me now. So armed with a gym membership, a dedication and commitment to getting back in shape, and um, well I guess that's all I'm armed with. So I'm going to keep track of everything here on my blog in addition to my normal postings. Don't worry, you won't lose any of the wonderful writings of The D during my weight loss fun time. (I'm trying to keep this happy so I don't think about diets. Yucky.) By the way, someone just said to me "I'm surprised your eyes don't look like roadmaps" in response to me being at a computer all day. Does that make sense? I think I'm going to go kick this man now.
Ok, so I'm back. He's on the floor writhing in pain (not really). If I cheat on the diet, or don't go to the gym when I'm supposed to, I'll have to write it on here and listen to all the disappointed comments. I weigh 215 lbs. right now, and I'm 6 feet tall. My goal is to be down to 195-200 lbs. by October 1st. I'd also like to remain at 6 feet tall, that'd be keen. So there it is. From now until Octubre first (I'm so spanish), I will keep my diet doings on here for all to see and follow. Feel free to write nice comments like "D, you're not fat, you're the best looking man I've ever seen!" and "D, I want to contribute lots of money to your losing weight cause and set you up with my supermodel cousin."
She's paying though, I mean, c'mon, she's a supermodel.
Good luck on your "weight loss fun time." I'm trying to do the same - lose a little weight, pretend it's going to be a blast, etc. Mind over matter, right? And all this extra mass hanging out on my thighs...
Cty, at 3:56 PM
Does anyone leave comments??? C'mon people.
The D, at 3:13 PM
i'm leaving a comment so i don't suck anymore--not because i want to ;)
mel, at 9:12 PM
D, I want to contribute lots of money to your losing weight cause and set you up with my supermodel cousin....lol...
BUT....(you knew there was a but, right?)...
I'm broke and she doesn't exist.
*cough* ahem...however, I could send you some homemade tofu or pics of your favorite supermodel. Or maybe a tofu mold in the shape of your favorite supermodel. Heh heh heh...
Naw...j/k...good luck w/ the weight loss. I'm sure you'll be swimmingly sleek in no time. ;-) And then anonymous pansies can't poop on your parade, cuz you'll have all the hot lol girlies chasin' ya. Or maybe just old MILF's like me....ROFL...I better quit before hubby thinks I've lost it and has me committed.
Mammy, at 11:03 PM
Dude, 6ft 215? You're crazy, that sounds hot! But I get it - you have to be happy w/your own body. So good luck and stuff. ;)
Thatgirl7278, at 9:46 AM
Ahh thatgirl, you're too kind. Can I take you home?
The D, at 9:52 AM
Honey, if you keep reading my blog... I will definitely go home with you.
Hmmm, I wonder if that line would really work?
Thatgirl7278, at 10:21 AM
Is that a blog in your pocket... No, that just doesn't seem to work.
The D, at 10:49 AM
I must say, I'm slightly jealous of this relationship you have going with thatgirl. She was mine in another life . . . or something like that. Good luck with the diet. I'm on one myself. Don't forget about the hopelessness that will hit you about a week and a half into it. Push past it, it gets better. Feel free to check out my blog, although mine isn't quite as upbeat as most that I have read. I am a blog-virgin, writing for the very first time. .
Oh, does this count as the 10th comment if 4 of them were posted by you? How does it feel to have such a fan base?
ERIN C., at 8:51 PM
Well, I'm stalking you on AIM, and no luck yet. Bummer.
And again, of COURSE you can take me home.
Thatgirl7278, at 7:48 PM
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