The Wigged Out Frog Part 2
If you haven't read the entry before this,which is Part 1, the second half will make no sense. Not that the story makes much anyway. :-)
The young frog prince hopped down the Path of Trials which wound its way through the White Forest and into the Golden Valley. It was known throughout the land that this path contained many strange creatures, both dangerous and slightly annoying. The prince, dead set on his decision, courageously continued down the treacherous path. All of a sudden, something jumped out of the thick woods and onto the path in front of him. It was a tall, thin springy character with rainbow colored clothing and blue hair. It jumped up and down on the trail as it yelled:
"To pass you must answer,
this question I ask,
but only a minute
is allowed for the task."
The prince stood there, (as much as a frog can stand), waiting to hear the question.
"They call me a man, but I'll never have a wife.
They gave me a body, but I'll never have life.
They gave me a mouth, but I'll never take a breath.
The water gives life, the sun doth give death."
The ridiculous bouncing character continues to bounce on the overgrown path, waiting for the small frog to answer his riddle in order to pass.
The prince's froggy throat bulged in and out as he breathed and thought.
"What's a matter, got a frog in your throat!?" the springy thing asked and started laughing heinously.
"Snowman," the prince coldly said.
The smile on the character's face fell off and left a look of shock as he stopped hopping around.
"You have proved yourself worthy,
admirable foe,
for answering that riddle,
I give you passage to go."
He hopped out of the way and let the prince pass down the path, and continue his trek through the White Forest.
Several minutes later, he reached the edge of the path to the Golden Valley. The swaying of tall, golden grass, shimmering in the sunlight was within sight, pushing the tired prince to keep going on. Just then, a man in a trench coat and sunglasses jumped out onto the path, right at the edge of the White Forest. He quickly opened the coat up, revealing a myriad of things attached to the inner lining of the coat, including several examples of real Rolexes and authentic diamond bracelets.
"What'll it be mac? What'll it be? I got goods here: nice watches, pretty things for the lady frog at home, special prices today buddy, what'll it be?"
"I'm not interested," the prince flatly said, hoping to pass on by.
The man with the goods stepped in front of the prince, blocking his way.
"Look man, buy something or you don't pass," he stated.
The prince put his, umm, hands on his froggy hips (frogs have hips dammit) and looked up at the ridiculous man with the trenchcoat. He started tapping his right foot and moved his head around as he spoke.
"Look you! I ain't gotta do a damn thing and you gonna let me pass boy, otherwise, I'mma get my posse out hurrrr and get all craaaaazy on yo ass. Don't front on me foo, you don't know who I am. And by the way, how would I hold any amount of currency without a suitable place to hold said monetary things. Does it look like I'm wearing pants?"
"Good point," the man said. He closed his jacket and stepped aside. "Wait, how about a platinum money clip? I'll give it to you if you promise to come back and buy something now that you can hold money."
He kneeled down on the snowy floor of the forest, and clipped the money clip to the prince's 9 strands of hair, giving him a pony tail. The prince took umbrage to the look but realized it would fit nowhere else. He, and his dangling money clip, hopped to the edge of the White Forst, and stood at the precipice of the Golden Valley.
The breeze rocked the tall grass melodically, back and forth, as the sunlight danced with them in unison. The crisp smell of spring found its way to the prince as he inhaled the intoxicating fragrance. He quickly hopped into the light, and into the Golden Valley, where he got his first taste of sunlight, gently caressing his froggy back in delicate warmth. One of his nine hairs, fluttered away in the wind, tickling the prince as it flew away. He quickly turned to see one of his few hairs left, float away, never to be seen again.
"The sunlight must be speeding up my balding process. This is horrible news! I have to hurry or I'll be stuck like this forever!"
He quickly hopped down the beaten path towards the Town of Golden Gates, which wasn't far from the White Forest. As the prince hopped frantically towards the town, money clip bouncing and clanging around, another precious hair fell out of his head.
All in all, he arrived at the Golden Gates with only 5 hairs left, and a money clip that was barely hanging on. Two guards stood at the gates with golden spears and a golden uniform.
"Who goes there?" they boomed.
"I am the prince of the White Forest!" he yelled back.
The guards looked down at the small frog near the gates and laughed, heartily. Just then, a guard from a post, high on the walls, yelled down to the heartily laughing men at the gates.
"You fools! He's got the frozen gold on his back! He is the King of the White Forest!"
The guards immediately stopped laughing and their mouths dropped open as they saw the truth, and the frozen gold on the little frog's back. They threw their spears to the ground and quickly open the gates to the city.
"Technically I'm just the prince," the frog countered.
The guards bowed in respect and showed the frog into town. He hopped behind them as they walked to the tallest building which sat in the middle of town. Another strand of hair fell from his green head and onto the golden street. People from all over town gathered to see who was coming into town and to see the frozen gold which they had never seen before.
Just up ahead, in the tall tower, a beautiful woman with flowing, blonde hair, wearing a golden dress and slippers stepped out of the front door and gracefully walked down the steps and into the street. She was surrounded by body guards as the people flooded in from the surrounding streets to catch a glimpse of her. The prince hopped up to her and she marveled at the money clip attached to his hair.
"I have never seen a more beautiful thing, you truly are the White Forest King."
"Like I told them before, I'm really the prince, but..."
"Why do you make the long trek to our city dear King?" she asked, cutting him off.
"To make a long story short, I'm losing my hair. If I lose all my hair, I will be stuck as a frog forever. But, if I reverse the curse, I can return to my normal form of a homely, er, a dashingly handsome prince."
"Reverse the curse?" she questioned, "didn't you hear that the Red Sox already won the World Series just after defeating the horrid new york yunkees (who don't deserve capital letters) in the biggest sports collapse/choke job of all time?"
"Yeah, I heard about that, I'm talking about my curse," he responded.
"Oh, right," she said.
They stood for a few minutes, reflecting on the fact that the Red Sox won the World Series and humiliated the yankees, who still don't get capital letters.
"So how do you reverse it?" she asked.
"Beats me, got any ideas?" the prince responded.
She kneeled down and picked up the prince in her hands. She gave him a big kiss right on his froggy lips (no tongue). Nothing happened. She set him back down on the street, looking confused.
"Well, I'm all out of ideas," she stated.
"I've got one!" the prince exclaimed. "Get your carriage and your four fastest horses, we're off to the White Forest!"
"Easy there killer, we don't have carriages and horses around here."
"Why, whatever will we do?!"
"How about my Mercedes?" she asked.
"Good enough."
They hopped into the Mercedes and screeched out of the Town of Golden Gates and into the Golden Valley. The princess pushed a button and put the top down, much to the dismay of the frog prince. Another 2 of his hairs flew off from the gusting wind, leaving him only 2 left on his little head. The money clip struggled to hang on. Driving up to the edge of the White Forest, she jumped out of the car with the prince in her hand, and ran up the Path of Trials towards the castle. The trenchcoated man jumped out and opened up his coat of goods. He recognized the frog prince right away.
"You again! Did you bring money to buy something this time? I see you still have the money clip."
"Give me your keys," the prince said to the Golden Princess. "Here are the keys to a brand new Mercedes parked at the edge of the forest. Knock yourself out big boy." The prince tossed the keys to the man, much to the man's surprise.
"For such a truly expensive and awesome gift, I will give you the most prized posession I have." He reached into a hidden pocket in his jacket and pulled out a Swedish made penis enlarger. He quickly pocketed the embarrassing item back in his pocket as the prince and princess pretended not to see. He reached into his other hidden pocket and pulled out a small vial of blue liquid.
"A very old woman dressed in a shawl and hood gave me this in return for a fake baby wrapped in a blanket. She told me it had no use to her, but that someday, a golden girl will come seeking it. Since you're not old and I haven't seen you on TV, I'm guessing that's you."
He hands the princess the vial and she thanks him quickly before running down the path. Nearing the castle, they run accross the springy character who jumps into the pathway.
"It is I again,
with a riddle complex,
it will twist your mind
around your necks."
"I don't have time springy," the prince sternly said. "Here, I'll give you this money clip if you leave me alone."
The prince took the money clip off his flowing locks and held it out for springy. One of the last two hairs pulled out of his head as he took off the money clip.
"You only have one hair left,
and time's running thin,
drink up the potion
the spell will begin."
Springy took the money clip and jumped back in the forest, waiting to pester someone else. The princess dashed up the path and to the front of the castle, where Tony had the doors already open. She ran up to the prince's bedroom and set him down on the bed. She pulled the cork out of the vial and downed the potion in one sip.
"Umm, considering I'm the one who was turned into a frog, shouldn't I have drank that?" the prince questioned.
"Oh, I didn't really think of that. Hmm."
The prince's last hair fell out of his head and slowly fell to the bed, leaving him bald. Just then, a bright white light surrounded both of them, nearly blinding them with it's brilliance. Tony and his two goons ran up the stairs to see what was happening. The light died off as Tony reached the bedroom door, followed closely by Frankie and Louis, who were carrying bats.
"Boss, you want we should get rid of this little problem?" Frankie asked.
"Nah, fugettaboutit. I'll take care of it."
Frankie and Louis shrugged their shoulders as Tony walked into the room and picked up the frog on the floor.
"Boss, I failed you, you are doomed to stay like that forever!" he wailed.
"Tony, I'm up here," the prince said.
"Watch where you're putting your hands buster!" the frog princess yelled.
"I told you I was supposed to drink the potion, now we're both stuck like this," the prince argued.
"Oh don't even start with me, I didn't hear you say anything to stop me!"
"You drank it so fast you lush. My back hurts from carrying that money clip everywhere, give me a back rub!" the prince demanded.
"Excuse me? Give you a back rub? Get real froggy boy, how about some heat in here, it's freezing!" she complained.
"Well, yeah, we're in the White Forest, the place of perpetual winter!"
Tony walked off, leaving the couple to argue.
Later that day, Frankie and Louis returned with a pair of wigs that were placed on the heads of both the prince and princess. Unfortunately, the two goons beat the wigmaker down with their bats for no reason and weren't able to get the proper size wigs for the frogs.
Now, in the castle, the pair of wigs, with frogs underneath, are found to wander the hallways and rooms, trying to get away from each other. Unfortunately, the balcony was still the prince's old favorite spot, and the princess' new favorite spot.
"We should have stayed in the Valley," she started.
"Don't start with me woman!" he said.
"Don't take that tone with me, man!" she yelled back.
"That's it! Frankie! Louis!"
And they lived happily ever after...until Frankie and Louis got there. Then it was just him living happily ever get the idea.
The End.
(If you read the whole story, thanks for reading, I know they're long, but thanks, hope it amused you!)
The D
The young frog prince hopped down the Path of Trials which wound its way through the White Forest and into the Golden Valley. It was known throughout the land that this path contained many strange creatures, both dangerous and slightly annoying. The prince, dead set on his decision, courageously continued down the treacherous path. All of a sudden, something jumped out of the thick woods and onto the path in front of him. It was a tall, thin springy character with rainbow colored clothing and blue hair. It jumped up and down on the trail as it yelled:
"To pass you must answer,
this question I ask,
but only a minute
is allowed for the task."
The prince stood there, (as much as a frog can stand), waiting to hear the question.
"They call me a man, but I'll never have a wife.
They gave me a body, but I'll never have life.
They gave me a mouth, but I'll never take a breath.
The water gives life, the sun doth give death."
The ridiculous bouncing character continues to bounce on the overgrown path, waiting for the small frog to answer his riddle in order to pass.
The prince's froggy throat bulged in and out as he breathed and thought.
"What's a matter, got a frog in your throat!?" the springy thing asked and started laughing heinously.
"Snowman," the prince coldly said.
The smile on the character's face fell off and left a look of shock as he stopped hopping around.
"You have proved yourself worthy,
admirable foe,
for answering that riddle,
I give you passage to go."
He hopped out of the way and let the prince pass down the path, and continue his trek through the White Forest.
Several minutes later, he reached the edge of the path to the Golden Valley. The swaying of tall, golden grass, shimmering in the sunlight was within sight, pushing the tired prince to keep going on. Just then, a man in a trench coat and sunglasses jumped out onto the path, right at the edge of the White Forest. He quickly opened the coat up, revealing a myriad of things attached to the inner lining of the coat, including several examples of real Rolexes and authentic diamond bracelets.
"What'll it be mac? What'll it be? I got goods here: nice watches, pretty things for the lady frog at home, special prices today buddy, what'll it be?"
"I'm not interested," the prince flatly said, hoping to pass on by.
The man with the goods stepped in front of the prince, blocking his way.
"Look man, buy something or you don't pass," he stated.
The prince put his, umm, hands on his froggy hips (frogs have hips dammit) and looked up at the ridiculous man with the trenchcoat. He started tapping his right foot and moved his head around as he spoke.
"Look you! I ain't gotta do a damn thing and you gonna let me pass boy, otherwise, I'mma get my posse out hurrrr and get all craaaaazy on yo ass. Don't front on me foo, you don't know who I am. And by the way, how would I hold any amount of currency without a suitable place to hold said monetary things. Does it look like I'm wearing pants?"
"Good point," the man said. He closed his jacket and stepped aside. "Wait, how about a platinum money clip? I'll give it to you if you promise to come back and buy something now that you can hold money."
He kneeled down on the snowy floor of the forest, and clipped the money clip to the prince's 9 strands of hair, giving him a pony tail. The prince took umbrage to the look but realized it would fit nowhere else. He, and his dangling money clip, hopped to the edge of the White Forst, and stood at the precipice of the Golden Valley.
The breeze rocked the tall grass melodically, back and forth, as the sunlight danced with them in unison. The crisp smell of spring found its way to the prince as he inhaled the intoxicating fragrance. He quickly hopped into the light, and into the Golden Valley, where he got his first taste of sunlight, gently caressing his froggy back in delicate warmth. One of his nine hairs, fluttered away in the wind, tickling the prince as it flew away. He quickly turned to see one of his few hairs left, float away, never to be seen again.
"The sunlight must be speeding up my balding process. This is horrible news! I have to hurry or I'll be stuck like this forever!"
He quickly hopped down the beaten path towards the Town of Golden Gates, which wasn't far from the White Forest. As the prince hopped frantically towards the town, money clip bouncing and clanging around, another precious hair fell out of his head.
All in all, he arrived at the Golden Gates with only 5 hairs left, and a money clip that was barely hanging on. Two guards stood at the gates with golden spears and a golden uniform.
"Who goes there?" they boomed.
"I am the prince of the White Forest!" he yelled back.
The guards looked down at the small frog near the gates and laughed, heartily. Just then, a guard from a post, high on the walls, yelled down to the heartily laughing men at the gates.
"You fools! He's got the frozen gold on his back! He is the King of the White Forest!"
The guards immediately stopped laughing and their mouths dropped open as they saw the truth, and the frozen gold on the little frog's back. They threw their spears to the ground and quickly open the gates to the city.
"Technically I'm just the prince," the frog countered.
The guards bowed in respect and showed the frog into town. He hopped behind them as they walked to the tallest building which sat in the middle of town. Another strand of hair fell from his green head and onto the golden street. People from all over town gathered to see who was coming into town and to see the frozen gold which they had never seen before.
Just up ahead, in the tall tower, a beautiful woman with flowing, blonde hair, wearing a golden dress and slippers stepped out of the front door and gracefully walked down the steps and into the street. She was surrounded by body guards as the people flooded in from the surrounding streets to catch a glimpse of her. The prince hopped up to her and she marveled at the money clip attached to his hair.
"I have never seen a more beautiful thing, you truly are the White Forest King."
"Like I told them before, I'm really the prince, but..."
"Why do you make the long trek to our city dear King?" she asked, cutting him off.
"To make a long story short, I'm losing my hair. If I lose all my hair, I will be stuck as a frog forever. But, if I reverse the curse, I can return to my normal form of a homely, er, a dashingly handsome prince."
"Reverse the curse?" she questioned, "didn't you hear that the Red Sox already won the World Series just after defeating the horrid new york yunkees (who don't deserve capital letters) in the biggest sports collapse/choke job of all time?"
"Yeah, I heard about that, I'm talking about my curse," he responded.
"Oh, right," she said.
They stood for a few minutes, reflecting on the fact that the Red Sox won the World Series and humiliated the yankees, who still don't get capital letters.
"So how do you reverse it?" she asked.
"Beats me, got any ideas?" the prince responded.
She kneeled down and picked up the prince in her hands. She gave him a big kiss right on his froggy lips (no tongue). Nothing happened. She set him back down on the street, looking confused.
"Well, I'm all out of ideas," she stated.
"I've got one!" the prince exclaimed. "Get your carriage and your four fastest horses, we're off to the White Forest!"
"Easy there killer, we don't have carriages and horses around here."
"Why, whatever will we do?!"
"How about my Mercedes?" she asked.
"Good enough."
They hopped into the Mercedes and screeched out of the Town of Golden Gates and into the Golden Valley. The princess pushed a button and put the top down, much to the dismay of the frog prince. Another 2 of his hairs flew off from the gusting wind, leaving him only 2 left on his little head. The money clip struggled to hang on. Driving up to the edge of the White Forest, she jumped out of the car with the prince in her hand, and ran up the Path of Trials towards the castle. The trenchcoated man jumped out and opened up his coat of goods. He recognized the frog prince right away.
"You again! Did you bring money to buy something this time? I see you still have the money clip."
"Give me your keys," the prince said to the Golden Princess. "Here are the keys to a brand new Mercedes parked at the edge of the forest. Knock yourself out big boy." The prince tossed the keys to the man, much to the man's surprise.
"For such a truly expensive and awesome gift, I will give you the most prized posession I have." He reached into a hidden pocket in his jacket and pulled out a Swedish made penis enlarger. He quickly pocketed the embarrassing item back in his pocket as the prince and princess pretended not to see. He reached into his other hidden pocket and pulled out a small vial of blue liquid.
"A very old woman dressed in a shawl and hood gave me this in return for a fake baby wrapped in a blanket. She told me it had no use to her, but that someday, a golden girl will come seeking it. Since you're not old and I haven't seen you on TV, I'm guessing that's you."
He hands the princess the vial and she thanks him quickly before running down the path. Nearing the castle, they run accross the springy character who jumps into the pathway.
"It is I again,
with a riddle complex,
it will twist your mind
around your necks."
"I don't have time springy," the prince sternly said. "Here, I'll give you this money clip if you leave me alone."
The prince took the money clip off his flowing locks and held it out for springy. One of the last two hairs pulled out of his head as he took off the money clip.
"You only have one hair left,
and time's running thin,
drink up the potion
the spell will begin."
Springy took the money clip and jumped back in the forest, waiting to pester someone else. The princess dashed up the path and to the front of the castle, where Tony had the doors already open. She ran up to the prince's bedroom and set him down on the bed. She pulled the cork out of the vial and downed the potion in one sip.
"Umm, considering I'm the one who was turned into a frog, shouldn't I have drank that?" the prince questioned.
"Oh, I didn't really think of that. Hmm."
The prince's last hair fell out of his head and slowly fell to the bed, leaving him bald. Just then, a bright white light surrounded both of them, nearly blinding them with it's brilliance. Tony and his two goons ran up the stairs to see what was happening. The light died off as Tony reached the bedroom door, followed closely by Frankie and Louis, who were carrying bats.
"Boss, you want we should get rid of this little problem?" Frankie asked.
"Nah, fugettaboutit. I'll take care of it."
Frankie and Louis shrugged their shoulders as Tony walked into the room and picked up the frog on the floor.
"Boss, I failed you, you are doomed to stay like that forever!" he wailed.
"Tony, I'm up here," the prince said.
"Watch where you're putting your hands buster!" the frog princess yelled.
"I told you I was supposed to drink the potion, now we're both stuck like this," the prince argued.
"Oh don't even start with me, I didn't hear you say anything to stop me!"
"You drank it so fast you lush. My back hurts from carrying that money clip everywhere, give me a back rub!" the prince demanded.
"Excuse me? Give you a back rub? Get real froggy boy, how about some heat in here, it's freezing!" she complained.
"Well, yeah, we're in the White Forest, the place of perpetual winter!"
Tony walked off, leaving the couple to argue.
Later that day, Frankie and Louis returned with a pair of wigs that were placed on the heads of both the prince and princess. Unfortunately, the two goons beat the wigmaker down with their bats for no reason and weren't able to get the proper size wigs for the frogs.
Now, in the castle, the pair of wigs, with frogs underneath, are found to wander the hallways and rooms, trying to get away from each other. Unfortunately, the balcony was still the prince's old favorite spot, and the princess' new favorite spot.
"We should have stayed in the Valley," she started.
"Don't start with me woman!" he said.
"Don't take that tone with me, man!" she yelled back.
"That's it! Frankie! Louis!"
And they lived happily ever after...until Frankie and Louis got there. Then it was just him living happily ever get the idea.
The End.
(If you read the whole story, thanks for reading, I know they're long, but thanks, hope it amused you!)
The D
i liked the Red Sox illusions :) and of course I know who the couple was modeled after! haha
mel, at 5:11 PM
allusions my dear, I'm no magician.
The D, at 7:15 PM
and I'm no english major :)
mel, at 10:20 PM
Can you please write shorter and more interesting entries? Thanks.
Anonymous, at 7:57 AM
Can you please write useful and more interesting comments?
The D, at 10:46 AM
Hey Melissa, that's right, it's modeled after a couple because you guys are SO MARRIED. haha!
The D, at 10:57 AM
yankees? um no let's try this again...YANKEES!!! with some umph, c'mon I know you can do it =P oh ya I liked your story too hehe
Anonymous, at 8:10 PM
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