The Wigged Out Frog
As I was updating my profile, I was asked that random question at the bottom, and it said "The children are waiting! Tell them the story of the bald frog and the wig." So I started writing, and then realized my imagination was going to say WAY more than the room allowed. So I'm turning it into a fun story entry. I didn't really want to write anything cause I just posted something last night, so don't forget to read the entry before this! (and leave 5 comments each). So, this is the story of the bald frog and his wig, off the top of my head and on the fly. (Fly, get it, it's a frog story. I'm so cool)
Once upon a time . . .
There lived a homely looking young prince in a gigantic castle, way way up in the mountains surrounded and engulfed by the White Forest, where it always snowed, and the sun never shined. Every day, the prince would wake up and walk to the balcony outside of his room and look into the Golden Valley below.
"Oh how I wish I could see the Golden Valley and walk through it's golden grass. How I wish to feel the sunshine on my face, and roll down the hills to get grass stains on everything."
He sighed as he put his hands on the railing and continued to gaze longingly at the shimmering land of the valley. His butler Tony walked into the prince's bed chambers with a stack of neatly folded clothing. He set the clothing down on the enormous bed and turned to the prince.
"Here is your clothing for the day your highness."
The boxer clad prince turned quickly, startled by his butler. The top heavy crown he was wearing spun off his head and landed on his foot, causing him to yelp and hop around. The prince picked up his huge crown and placed it back on his quickly balding head.
"Thank you Tony," he said as he walked into his quarters. Tony spins and starts towards the door. "Tony!"
He immediately stops and walks back to the prince.
"Yeah?" he responds.
"Tony, can I ask you something personal?"
"Sure boss, but I don't know nothin."
"You don't know anything Tony, not nothing."
"What, are you saying I'm stupid?"
"Nevermind Tony. Have you ever been to the Golden Valley?" The prince's eyes widened as he leaned in, eagerly anticipating Tony's answer.
"Yeah, I been there."
The crown fell off the prince's head yet again as his imagination ran wild. It harmlessly hit the floor and wobbled to a stand still. The prince self consciously put his hands on his head as Tony turned away. The prince quickly knelt down and picked up the crown. He held it in front of him and looked at his reflection in the gleaming gold facade of the royal head gear. His shiny dome stared back at him, reminding him of his fading hairline. The prince sighed and sat down on the bed next to Tony.
"Tony, I'm losing my hair."
"No, you boss? I hardly noticed."
"Don't bother Tony, it's the truth, and we all know it. I'm losing my youth, strand by strand."
"Did anyone ever tell you about the curse boss?"
"No no, didn't you hear, the RED SOX WON THE WORLD SERIES LAST YEAR."
"I'm not talking about that even though that was the most amazing event in sports history."
They sat for a good 5 minutes smiling and reflecting on the World Series Champion Boston Red Sox.
"So anyway, the curse I'm talking about. Many years ago, while you were in your mother's womb, a frail old man came calling during a blinding snow storm. He knocked on the door as hard as he could, but no one would answer. Eventually, he pushed with all his strength, and the heavy doors swung open, revealing the posh interior of the warm castle."
"Hello?" the fragile man called out.
Tony skipped down the stairs to see the geriatric standing in the foyer.
"Please, may I seek shelter in your castle. This frigid cold is going to kill me if I don't get some warmth," the old man said, shivering in the bitter cold.
"You realize you're letting in a draft," Tony responded. "If you don't walk out and close that damn door, we're gonna have issues my friend, capisce?"
"Kind sir, I just need a night to regain..."
"Frankie, Louis, come down here," Tony yelled out.
Two large Italian men rumble down the stairs carrying large wooden baseball bats.
"I'll give you 3 more seconds old man," Tony warned. "3, 2, 1." He paused for effect. "Boys?"
The large men carried the man outside where they hit him repeatedly with the bats. The man's bones were brittle from age and the cold, so they shattered at the slightest touch, making the job easier on Frankie and Louis. After their batting practice, they left the bats outside and came in to the cozy warmth of shelter and went back to bed.
Hours later, at midnight, another persistant knock came at the door. Tony, up counting money, set down his stack of Benjamin's and opened up the door. Standing outside was a pale, emaciated woman in a long black shawl and hood, holding a wrapped up baby in her arms. Behind the woman were the wolves eating the old man.
"What the hell do you want lady?" Tony politely asked.
She raised her hand and pointed a bony finger at Tony, standing in the doorway.
"You have spinach in your teeth," she told him.
"Oh, thanks, scuse me for a second." Tony picked his teeth and removed the unsightly spinach. "So now what do you want?"
"I want you to let me live in this castle. In return, I will give you this baby to raise as your own, and I will help with chores around the castle, but I don't do windows."
Tony placed his hands on the womans shoulders and turned her the opposite way.
"See what the wolves are eating?"
"I can't quite make it out," she responded.
"Let me make it easy for you, he wanted shelter too."
The woman snapped around and glared at Tony, though he didn't know it cause the hood kept her face shadowed. The hood slowly started to fall off as the woman spoke, this time in a much more forceful voice, almost demonic like.
"Listen pudgy, if you don't let me live here, a horrible curse will come down on the first born of the lady of the castle. He will start to go bald!"
"No, don't you dare!" Tony screamed.
"Oh there's more spanky." The hood was almost all the way off revealed her gray face and sunken in features. She looked like death's mistress. "On his 20th birthday, he will become a frog. And when the last hair from his froggy head falls out, he will be stuck in that state...forever!"
"What, did you get that from Beauty and the Beast?" Tony questioned.
"Huh? No, I don't have cable or a TV."
"Oh. Ok, so is that it?"
"Yeah, pretty much," she said.
"Well, in that case, I think I can accomodate you for the rest of your life. Frankie! Louis! Come down here and help this wonderful woman with her things!"
"I don't have anything to bring in," she said. "This baby isn't even real, I just use it for sympathy."
"Yeah yeah lady, stay right there."
Tony turned to the prince but couldn't see him.
"Boss? Hey, where'd you go?"
"I'm down here," the prince said.
Tony looked down to see the prince still on the bed.
"Oh, Happy 20th Birthday sir."
"Thanks Tony."
"So there it is, there's the curse."
"Well how do we reverse it?" the prince asked.
"Hmm, good question, I'm not too sure. I couldn't hear what she was saying over the bats. Guess I should have asked huh?"
"Well that's a shame. Well whatever it is, I'm sure it has to do with the Golden Valley. So that is where I will head."
The prince hopped off the bed and onto the floor. His flowing mane of 9 more hairs trailed him as he hopped out of the room and down the stairs to the front door. Tony quickly followed him, making sure not to step on his coiffe.
"Tony, thank you for telling me all of this. Somehow, I'm going to find out how to turn me back into an average looking prince. Hey, can you open the door?"
The frog prince then hopped outside into the world of snow, set on journeying to the Golden Valley to find his answers, and find his hope.
To Be Continued . . .
Once upon a time . . .
There lived a homely looking young prince in a gigantic castle, way way up in the mountains surrounded and engulfed by the White Forest, where it always snowed, and the sun never shined. Every day, the prince would wake up and walk to the balcony outside of his room and look into the Golden Valley below.
"Oh how I wish I could see the Golden Valley and walk through it's golden grass. How I wish to feel the sunshine on my face, and roll down the hills to get grass stains on everything."
He sighed as he put his hands on the railing and continued to gaze longingly at the shimmering land of the valley. His butler Tony walked into the prince's bed chambers with a stack of neatly folded clothing. He set the clothing down on the enormous bed and turned to the prince.
"Here is your clothing for the day your highness."
The boxer clad prince turned quickly, startled by his butler. The top heavy crown he was wearing spun off his head and landed on his foot, causing him to yelp and hop around. The prince picked up his huge crown and placed it back on his quickly balding head.
"Thank you Tony," he said as he walked into his quarters. Tony spins and starts towards the door. "Tony!"
He immediately stops and walks back to the prince.
"Yeah?" he responds.
"Tony, can I ask you something personal?"
"Sure boss, but I don't know nothin."
"You don't know anything Tony, not nothing."
"What, are you saying I'm stupid?"
"Nevermind Tony. Have you ever been to the Golden Valley?" The prince's eyes widened as he leaned in, eagerly anticipating Tony's answer.
"Yeah, I been there."
The crown fell off the prince's head yet again as his imagination ran wild. It harmlessly hit the floor and wobbled to a stand still. The prince self consciously put his hands on his head as Tony turned away. The prince quickly knelt down and picked up the crown. He held it in front of him and looked at his reflection in the gleaming gold facade of the royal head gear. His shiny dome stared back at him, reminding him of his fading hairline. The prince sighed and sat down on the bed next to Tony.
"Tony, I'm losing my hair."
"No, you boss? I hardly noticed."
"Don't bother Tony, it's the truth, and we all know it. I'm losing my youth, strand by strand."
"Did anyone ever tell you about the curse boss?"
"No no, didn't you hear, the RED SOX WON THE WORLD SERIES LAST YEAR."
"I'm not talking about that even though that was the most amazing event in sports history."
They sat for a good 5 minutes smiling and reflecting on the World Series Champion Boston Red Sox.
"So anyway, the curse I'm talking about. Many years ago, while you were in your mother's womb, a frail old man came calling during a blinding snow storm. He knocked on the door as hard as he could, but no one would answer. Eventually, he pushed with all his strength, and the heavy doors swung open, revealing the posh interior of the warm castle."
"Hello?" the fragile man called out.
Tony skipped down the stairs to see the geriatric standing in the foyer.
"Please, may I seek shelter in your castle. This frigid cold is going to kill me if I don't get some warmth," the old man said, shivering in the bitter cold.
"You realize you're letting in a draft," Tony responded. "If you don't walk out and close that damn door, we're gonna have issues my friend, capisce?"
"Kind sir, I just need a night to regain..."
"Frankie, Louis, come down here," Tony yelled out.
Two large Italian men rumble down the stairs carrying large wooden baseball bats.
"I'll give you 3 more seconds old man," Tony warned. "3, 2, 1." He paused for effect. "Boys?"
The large men carried the man outside where they hit him repeatedly with the bats. The man's bones were brittle from age and the cold, so they shattered at the slightest touch, making the job easier on Frankie and Louis. After their batting practice, they left the bats outside and came in to the cozy warmth of shelter and went back to bed.
Hours later, at midnight, another persistant knock came at the door. Tony, up counting money, set down his stack of Benjamin's and opened up the door. Standing outside was a pale, emaciated woman in a long black shawl and hood, holding a wrapped up baby in her arms. Behind the woman were the wolves eating the old man.
"What the hell do you want lady?" Tony politely asked.
She raised her hand and pointed a bony finger at Tony, standing in the doorway.
"You have spinach in your teeth," she told him.
"Oh, thanks, scuse me for a second." Tony picked his teeth and removed the unsightly spinach. "So now what do you want?"
"I want you to let me live in this castle. In return, I will give you this baby to raise as your own, and I will help with chores around the castle, but I don't do windows."
Tony placed his hands on the womans shoulders and turned her the opposite way.
"See what the wolves are eating?"
"I can't quite make it out," she responded.
"Let me make it easy for you, he wanted shelter too."
The woman snapped around and glared at Tony, though he didn't know it cause the hood kept her face shadowed. The hood slowly started to fall off as the woman spoke, this time in a much more forceful voice, almost demonic like.
"Listen pudgy, if you don't let me live here, a horrible curse will come down on the first born of the lady of the castle. He will start to go bald!"
"No, don't you dare!" Tony screamed.
"Oh there's more spanky." The hood was almost all the way off revealed her gray face and sunken in features. She looked like death's mistress. "On his 20th birthday, he will become a frog. And when the last hair from his froggy head falls out, he will be stuck in that state...forever!"
"What, did you get that from Beauty and the Beast?" Tony questioned.
"Huh? No, I don't have cable or a TV."
"Oh. Ok, so is that it?"
"Yeah, pretty much," she said.
"Well, in that case, I think I can accomodate you for the rest of your life. Frankie! Louis! Come down here and help this wonderful woman with her things!"
"I don't have anything to bring in," she said. "This baby isn't even real, I just use it for sympathy."
"Yeah yeah lady, stay right there."
Tony turned to the prince but couldn't see him.
"Boss? Hey, where'd you go?"
"I'm down here," the prince said.
Tony looked down to see the prince still on the bed.
"Oh, Happy 20th Birthday sir."
"Thanks Tony."
"So there it is, there's the curse."
"Well how do we reverse it?" the prince asked.
"Hmm, good question, I'm not too sure. I couldn't hear what she was saying over the bats. Guess I should have asked huh?"
"Well that's a shame. Well whatever it is, I'm sure it has to do with the Golden Valley. So that is where I will head."
The prince hopped off the bed and onto the floor. His flowing mane of 9 more hairs trailed him as he hopped out of the room and down the stairs to the front door. Tony quickly followed him, making sure not to step on his coiffe.
"Tony, thank you for telling me all of this. Somehow, I'm going to find out how to turn me back into an average looking prince. Hey, can you open the door?"
The frog prince then hopped outside into the world of snow, set on journeying to the Golden Valley to find his answers, and find his hope.
To Be Continued . . .
Well that was thoroughly entertaining. You plan on finishing where you left off I hope.
and btw....GO YANKEES!! WOO HOO!!
Anonymous, at 8:51 PM
To be continued?! ARGH! Curse you! I must know what happens. I can't take the waiting...ok. Umm...that was a very very (did i say very yet) random story. One of my most enjoyable parts was when Tony "politely" asked, "what the hell do you want?" I mean really...if you are going to be polite you should adress her as ma'am. SHEESH!
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