Cinnamon Trident Gum
This post was inspired yesterday by someone mentioning Trident gum, and whenever I hear about Trident gum, I am reminded of my aversion to Cinnamon gum or breath mints. Come with me as I tell a story of horror, torture, and salivation.
I wasn't much older than nine years old that day. Upon getting dropped off by the school bus, I made my trek down our long, windy, rough driveway, avoiding the murky pot holes. As I rounded the last corner, I smiled, looking up on the hill to see my little fort I put up over the summer. My mother's red truck was parked in the driveway. Good, I didn't like spending too much time alone. I walked towards the right side of the garage, down the makeshift stone walkway, and into the side door of the garage.
"Hi mom!" I looked down the cement stairs to the basement to see my dear mother kneeling at the bottom, frantically doing something. I stood at the top of the stairs, trying to figure out what she was doing as she looked up at me with a worried look on her face.
"What are you doing?" I innocently asked.
"We have a really bad leak in the stair here."
For story purposes, let me explain. Our house was very close to wetlands, and after heavy rains, our basement would often floor with anywhere from an inch to a foot of water. It had just rained the night before.
I dropped my backpack down on the floor of the always cluttered garage, and bounded down the stairs to give my expert, nine year old opinion. Reaching the bottom step, I saw my mother with her finger in a hole in the front of the bottom step. She pulled her finger out momentarily and I watched the water flow out like blood from an artery. She put her finger back in to stop it for the time being.
"Wow, that's pretty bad," I opined.
"Yes, I know that, we need to plug it up with something."
My mother was getting more and more frantic with each passing moment. I knew that as the man of the house at that moment, I had to think fast, and act even faster. My mind raced to the answer line, but unfortunately got lost in the pit area.
"I have an idea," I declared.
I ran back up the stairs and into the kitchen door. Once in the kitchen, I opened up the pantry. They were looking straight at me. I grabbed the box and flew back into the garage where I grabbed two packs and ripped them open.
"What are you doing?" my sweet mother yelled up.
"Hang on a minute!" I responded.
After opening the two packs, I unwrapped each piece and put it in my mouth, one at a time, until I had two entire packs of Trident Cinnamon gum in my mouth. That's a lot of gum. Once I got it going and into proper form, I calmly strolled back down the stairs to my confused mother. She saw the look of confidence on my face; she knew everything would be alright. Well, until I answered her next question.
"What are you doing?"
Drool started overflowing and running down my chin as I managed to get out a couple muffled noises, explaining exactly what my plan was.
"Is that gum?!" she asked.
I nodded proudly. She stared at me for a few seconds, trying to figure out if this was crazy, or creative.
"Well, let's give it a shot."
I knelt down next to her and took the huge wad of cinnamon gum out of my mouth, holding it near the finger plugged hole, ready to save the day. My mother pulled her finger out again and I shoved the gum into the hole in the steps, pressing it in to stop the flow of water. We waited a few seconds to see if it worked.
"Well, what do you know, it worked," I declared. Only a few drops of water squeezed through the impenetrable seal of Trident gum. We both heard a car door close as my surprised mother admired our handy work.
My father opened up the door to the garage and started up the two steps to the kitchen door. He saw us both down at the bottom of the stairs to the basement.
"What are you guys doing down there?"
"Well," my mother answered, "we had a really bad leak in the stair here, but we fixed it."
My father seemed satisfied with the answer. It was fixed, done, complete. He put his hand on the door knob and twisted it to open up the door. Then he stopped.
"With what?" he called down.
Puffing out my chest, "Gum!" I said. Gum.
That's when he stared at me, much like my mother had earlier. He tried not to laugh, but that didn't work out so well.
"You should have just used contact cement, we have some down there," he explained. Then he twisted the knob and stepped into the kitchen.
My mother stood up and marched upstairs, leaving me to admire my cinnamon plug. However proud I was of my accomplishment, I couldn't get that horridly strong taste of cinnamon out of my mouth.
From then on, I have not been able to have cinnamon gum or breath mints. I can't even smell a cinnamon flavored candle, that's how much I have been traumatized.
That's your story for the day. If I have brought you to tears (of sadness), and you feel bad for my harrowing ordeal, please send donations. Any type of money will be acceptable.
Any type of cinnamon gum will be burned though.
I wasn't much older than nine years old that day. Upon getting dropped off by the school bus, I made my trek down our long, windy, rough driveway, avoiding the murky pot holes. As I rounded the last corner, I smiled, looking up on the hill to see my little fort I put up over the summer. My mother's red truck was parked in the driveway. Good, I didn't like spending too much time alone. I walked towards the right side of the garage, down the makeshift stone walkway, and into the side door of the garage.
"Hi mom!" I looked down the cement stairs to the basement to see my dear mother kneeling at the bottom, frantically doing something. I stood at the top of the stairs, trying to figure out what she was doing as she looked up at me with a worried look on her face.
"What are you doing?" I innocently asked.
"We have a really bad leak in the stair here."
For story purposes, let me explain. Our house was very close to wetlands, and after heavy rains, our basement would often floor with anywhere from an inch to a foot of water. It had just rained the night before.
I dropped my backpack down on the floor of the always cluttered garage, and bounded down the stairs to give my expert, nine year old opinion. Reaching the bottom step, I saw my mother with her finger in a hole in the front of the bottom step. She pulled her finger out momentarily and I watched the water flow out like blood from an artery. She put her finger back in to stop it for the time being.
"Wow, that's pretty bad," I opined.
"Yes, I know that, we need to plug it up with something."
My mother was getting more and more frantic with each passing moment. I knew that as the man of the house at that moment, I had to think fast, and act even faster. My mind raced to the answer line, but unfortunately got lost in the pit area.
"I have an idea," I declared.
I ran back up the stairs and into the kitchen door. Once in the kitchen, I opened up the pantry. They were looking straight at me. I grabbed the box and flew back into the garage where I grabbed two packs and ripped them open.
"What are you doing?" my sweet mother yelled up.
"Hang on a minute!" I responded.
After opening the two packs, I unwrapped each piece and put it in my mouth, one at a time, until I had two entire packs of Trident Cinnamon gum in my mouth. That's a lot of gum. Once I got it going and into proper form, I calmly strolled back down the stairs to my confused mother. She saw the look of confidence on my face; she knew everything would be alright. Well, until I answered her next question.
"What are you doing?"
Drool started overflowing and running down my chin as I managed to get out a couple muffled noises, explaining exactly what my plan was.
"Is that gum?!" she asked.
I nodded proudly. She stared at me for a few seconds, trying to figure out if this was crazy, or creative.
"Well, let's give it a shot."
I knelt down next to her and took the huge wad of cinnamon gum out of my mouth, holding it near the finger plugged hole, ready to save the day. My mother pulled her finger out again and I shoved the gum into the hole in the steps, pressing it in to stop the flow of water. We waited a few seconds to see if it worked.
"Well, what do you know, it worked," I declared. Only a few drops of water squeezed through the impenetrable seal of Trident gum. We both heard a car door close as my surprised mother admired our handy work.
My father opened up the door to the garage and started up the two steps to the kitchen door. He saw us both down at the bottom of the stairs to the basement.
"What are you guys doing down there?"
"Well," my mother answered, "we had a really bad leak in the stair here, but we fixed it."
My father seemed satisfied with the answer. It was fixed, done, complete. He put his hand on the door knob and twisted it to open up the door. Then he stopped.
"With what?" he called down.
Puffing out my chest, "Gum!" I said. Gum.
That's when he stared at me, much like my mother had earlier. He tried not to laugh, but that didn't work out so well.
"You should have just used contact cement, we have some down there," he explained. Then he twisted the knob and stepped into the kitchen.
My mother stood up and marched upstairs, leaving me to admire my cinnamon plug. However proud I was of my accomplishment, I couldn't get that horridly strong taste of cinnamon out of my mouth.
From then on, I have not been able to have cinnamon gum or breath mints. I can't even smell a cinnamon flavored candle, that's how much I have been traumatized.
That's your story for the day. If I have brought you to tears (of sadness), and you feel bad for my harrowing ordeal, please send donations. Any type of money will be acceptable.
Any type of cinnamon gum will be burned though.
Though you may no longer be a fan of trident cinnamon gum, you have to appreciate the duct-tape-like usefullness of the stuff. Just last week Trident Spearmint Gum saved me from a potentially harrowing situation. I don't know if I'm over-stepping a blog rule by telling a personal story in the comment space, if I am, I apologize, but I think anyone who reads it will appreciate it's relevance.
Last week I was going on an away visit for work (psych research stuff) with one of my co-workers. We were driving the hour or so to the participant's house just chatting and getting ready for the interviews, when my coworker takes a piece of Trident Spearmint gum and then offers me a piece. Having made it a policy never to turn down free gum, I graciously accepted her offer, unwrapped the stick and started chewing...
When we arrived at the participant's home, I got out of the car and went to the trunk to start unloading the equipment, but as I stepped onto the driveway I heard a small pop and then noticed a sudden feeling of freeness on the left side of my sandle. Yes, the strap of my flipflop (a fancy beaded pair appropriate for business attire)had broke off. Quickly looking around to assess my options as my coworker greeted our participants I suddenly remembered what I was chewing! Trident Gum! You guessed it, I stealthfully removed the gum from my mouth and used it to glue my sandle back together. MacGyver, eat your heart out!
I made it throught the entire 5 hour visit without anyone being the wiser. Only after we got back in the car to leave did I tell my coworker of my harrowing experience...let's just say she had a hard time driving through the tears of laughter that came to her eyes...
Let's hear it for Trident!
Anonymous, at 2:23 PM
As cute as I'm sure you were at age 9...Kerry's story is just kewler...I'm switching to her fan club =P
Anonymous, at 4:56 PM
Since we're sharing gum stories, I should tell you that just yesterday I used a half-a-piece of Doublemint gum and a paperclip to diffuse a nuclear bomb.
I probably wasn't as cute as the D though. Plus I can't take too much credit: it's the training.
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM
I'm 26 years old and although I got a kick out of your story anonymous, I have a rather strong distaste for Trident gum...literally. So it is the week before Christmas and I have been chomping away on Cinnamon Trident gum and although it is rather hot and tingly in the mouth, I just drank a bunch of water to cool down my mouth and didn't think anything of it until today when I became frantic because the right side of my tongue is swollen and hurts extremely bad. I went to my dentist and he told me I had a chemical burn on my tongue to do a reaction to something spicy. The only thing out of the norm this week for me was chewing cinnamon Trident gum. This burn will last about ten days he told me so he told met o avoid hot foods and drink cold liquids and cold foods. So over this X-mas holiday I have a swollen tongue which is making me speak weird and little white bumps (burnt taste buds) on the left side of my tongue. Ridiculous I say! I should have stuck with the plain old regular trident gum as that cinnamon gum is tood damn hot!! I did however enjoy reading your story, but at first due to the title, I thought it might be about another person that has been burned by the infamous Trident Cinnamon gum.
Swollen Tongue in KC.
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM
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