Some fun interaction
10 years ago: I was just about to go to highschool. I was 13 years old and had acne. I was going from a class of 12 to a class of 150 or so. That was also the first time I had seen my brother in several years, and i wouldn't see him again for a long time.
5 years ago: I was actually in California 5 years ago. I had moved out to california on July 22nd, 2000. So I was fresh into Cali at that point. HA! Little did I know what I was really in for. I think that would make an interesting series of posts. Hmm...
1 year ago: I was sitting at my desk not doing work just like I'm doing right now. Thinking back on it, I should have quit this job a while ago, but I'm still here. It's going to happen soon.
Yesterday: I went to work, and then went to dinner with my bell choir director. She's a delightfully nice woman. We went to Bertucci's. Then I came home and within about 20 seconds, literally, I had 5 im windows on AIM. I went to bed early without posting anything on the blog, much to the dismay of my early morning bored at work readers.
Today: I woke up and weighed myself. 204 lbs sucka! I'm the man. I was 2 minutes late to work, so my boss gave me the silent treatment. Then I took two phone calls where the people were mad at him cause he didn't call them back and it's like the fourth time they've called. I'm also going to quit in a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure what I should get into. I want a job where I'm around people, that's really it. I've been thinking about going back to waiting tables. What do you think?
Reader Survey!!!
1. If a homeless man came up to you and asked to use your cell phone, would you let him?
2. What was the worst date you've ever had?
3. What was the last compliment you received? And who was it from?
4. What kind of car do you drive? How many miles?
5. Ask me something, anything. I'll answer them in the comments.
Enjoy!! Tomorrow will be another installment of me posting my own writing up here. Come back and review it!
. If a homeless man came up to you and asked to use your cell phone, would you let him? I think I would offer him a quarter or how ever much it cost to make a phone call from a pay phone these days.
2. What was the worst date you've ever had? It has to be the second date with R. He told me that he had hand in the relationship. My thoughts were "ok, back up, what relationship? This is our second date." Then after I told him I was seeing other people, he said to me “if I am sticking my dick in you than no one else better be sticking their dick in you.” Yes he said that. I was so scared of him at that point that I didn’t know what to do. So I stayed even though I had my own car. I was afraid he might hit me or fire bomb my house. Oh and I had to pay not only for my drinks but his drinks and dinner for both of us (I'm all for paying if 1. I ask the guy out and 2. the guy doesn't offend me. He asked me out and he offended me.)
3. What was the last compliment you received? And who was it from? I was talking to K about my doctor's appointment this morning and how the doctor told me to start the South Beach Diet. K said "You’re not fat, you look great."
4. What kind of car do you drive? How many miles? VW Beetle. It says I have 28,000 miles but really it’s more like 73,000 because I had to have the instrument panel replaced.
5. Ask me something, anything. I'll answer them in the comments. What would the book about your life be called?
hotpinksox, at 11:37 AM
The title of my autobiography would be either "..." or "Just a Man, Just a Story."
If I had more time I might be able to come up with something more witty, but those are good for now. Thank you for your comment!!
The D, at 11:42 AM
1. If a homeless man came up to you and asked to use your cell phone, would you let him?
-- I like hotpinksox's answer better but knowing me I'd let em use it and just watch em closely.
2. What was the worst date you've ever had?
--First date with a guy I met in a navy club. He was awesome but I belittled myself and slept with him in a car in the parkinglot...he then prceeded to tell me how great my body was and how much he could see himself falling for can I go home and cry now?
3. What was the last compliment you received? And who was it from?
--ok this will sound truly pathetic, but I really don't remember. I think my friend M. compliments me a lot but it's the the point where I don't notice cuz it makes me unconfortable since he's not my husband.
4. What kind of car do you drive? How many miles?
--05 Saturn Vue and it's got about 2800 miles on it it's new =)
5. Ask me something, anything. I'll answer them in the comments.
--Name one "life lesson" you could have skipped learning the hard way?
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM
Good question. A life lesson I would have skipped learning the hard way? That's hard, because I've had a lot of life lessons, and some have been really hard, but they've shaped me into who I am, so I can't say I'd like to learn any the "easy" way. I have however had a lot of trust lessons that might have been better if they weren't taught to me in such a hard way. How's that?
The D, at 12:24 PM
Funny girl, funny girl. ;-)
Yes, I would like to get some ice cream, although I will most likely get fat free something or frozen yogurt and run extra today at the gym.
My name is The D, and I have a penis.
(See previous comment by d'speanut)
The D, at 1:59 PM
1)Honestly, I'm a little germ-a-phobic so in less I know you or can easily assess your level of cleanliness, you probably won't be using my cell phone. However, you would be getting my money to use a payphone or me placing a call for you to whatever party you were interested in contacting.
2)That's a hard question. I don't think I've had a "bad" date. Admittedly I tend to have more relationship-based dating than "dating"...i.e. I will be friends with the guy and hang out with him for awhile and then something will usually happen that crosses us into the "no longer just friends" relationship. I've had some bad relationships, but everyone I've ever dated has been respectful and nice whenever we were on "dates"
3) I just got out of a meeting at work where we were listening to an interview I had conducted and evaluating it on style, skill and validity and the interview's creator told me that I had done a wonderful job and that he feels very confident with me going out and interviewing our participant. My boss also just told me that I look very pretty today :) (In a very non sketchy way)
4) I drive a 1997 purple dodge neon, named Ginger Peachy (long story which refers back to incorporating more 1940's slang into my vocabulary)and see has 167,495 miles on her. She also overheats within 5 minutes of starting and can make it from 0 to 35mph in 12 seconds! She's hot!( I'm currently in the market to buy a new car but don't tell her she might get upset and actually explode)!
5)What qualities do you look for in friends and in the people that you choose to surround yourself with in your daily life?
Anonymous, at 3:08 PM
KW, thanks for your comments. Hope your search for a car goes well.
What qualities do I look for in friends and in those that I surround myself with?
Well, since I don't surround myself with many people, loyalty and honesty are my tops. Loyalty because I want to trust that they will be there, and honesty because i want to be able to trust them. Notice a pattern here?
(Psst! I have trust issues!!)
Other than that, I'd prefer they don't smoke or drink heavily, they aren't materialistic, they like sports, and they should think I'm brilliant and funny. See why I don't have any friends?? :-)
The D, at 3:29 PM
i wrote a whole big long comment, but when i went to publish it, i got the big fat "blogger is temporarily down" message that pops up now and again. sorry man, i'm not doing it again. . . at least not tonight!!
ERIN C., at 8:57 PM
Digital! Hi, glad you're on board, good to have you.
I don't listen to NPR. I rarely even listen to radio because I generally carry around 80-100 cd's in my car and will just listen to cd's. I have waaaaaay too many cd's for my own good. The only radio I listen to is at work (sometimes I put cd's in though) and talk radiot (not NPR) on the ride home with Jay Severin. Awesome host, very intelligent man.
The D, at 9:31 AM
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