To thine own self be true
This post was actually scheduled for last weekend, oops. The title, "To thine own self be true" is from our dear friend Shakespeare. Will and I are tight. About a week ago, I wrote an entry about jerk guys and how girls seem to go for the asses of the world. Afterwards, I spoke to a certain delightful friend of mine who happens to be a girl, and shared my theories on why girls do indeed go for the jerks. She read them, agreed with them, and even added some insightful things. Thanks again peanut. You numba one!
So now I am faced with an interesting issue. I am me, and I like who I am, flaws and quirks included. But I don't always project the image that girls will find attractive; I am not always suited for attracting women. (I say women just as a general sense, not a particular type) Being an introspective person, I know this, and most times I am ok with this because I like who I am. But what about those times when loneliness creeps in and I become apathetic to who I am, and desire to be someone who attracts girls. And how much of a personal life and dating life can I sacrifice in order to remain true to myself?
I also wrote a different entry a while ago in which I talked about becoming who you wanted to be. "Be who you would be; then do what you must do." Making decisions based on the image of a person you want to become, and then eventually molding yourself into that person. However, there is a thin line between becoming who you want to be, and becoming who others will want. Perhaps it is even more dangerous for me since I know myself in and out, and I know what is unattractive at times, and what I could do to be more attractive. Could I trick myself into changing for other people while at the same time convincing my heart that it's good for me? I would normally say no, that I am strong enough to be who I want to be without too much regard for other people's opinions or preferences. I would normally so no.
Being an introspective person, and always looking to make myself better and looking on the inside for answers, perhaps I've skipped over the most simple solution for this whole thing. I keep mentioning that it's hard to be who I am, especially when I know that the opposite sex often looks for certain qualities that I don't desire to have or that run contrary to my nature. I keep focusing on myself, when in reality, I might just be looking at the wrong girls. If certain girls are just naturally attracted to jerks, then why would I want to attract their attention? I have always been someone eager to please and one who goes overboard in making other people happy, and because of that am too quick to change my habits or something with me to accommodate the other person. That's what is really hurting me here.
I am quick to say there are things about me that many girls would find unpleasing (among many pleasing attributes. I'm not bashing myself here) But in reality, I'm not most guys, and so it would make sense that I shouldn't be looking for "most girls". Yes, I may not be exactly what girls are looking for, the tough strong never cry man who makes them feel wanted if I treat them like meat, but that's not the type of girl I want to be with anyway.
So what does it all come down to? I shouldn't change myself to suit someone else. If I do want to change myself, and do so, then it should be for my own good and for my own development and success, not for someone else. In reality, I am the one that lives with myself every second of every day. (cliche alert!!) If I'm not happy with myself, then no one else will be either, and then everyone will be miserable. I need to find someone who is suited for me as they are, and I them. I need to find someone who is writing an entry similar to this one I finish right here. Hmm, I'm off to read some blogs. ;-)
So now I am faced with an interesting issue. I am me, and I like who I am, flaws and quirks included. But I don't always project the image that girls will find attractive; I am not always suited for attracting women. (I say women just as a general sense, not a particular type) Being an introspective person, I know this, and most times I am ok with this because I like who I am. But what about those times when loneliness creeps in and I become apathetic to who I am, and desire to be someone who attracts girls. And how much of a personal life and dating life can I sacrifice in order to remain true to myself?
I also wrote a different entry a while ago in which I talked about becoming who you wanted to be. "Be who you would be; then do what you must do." Making decisions based on the image of a person you want to become, and then eventually molding yourself into that person. However, there is a thin line between becoming who you want to be, and becoming who others will want. Perhaps it is even more dangerous for me since I know myself in and out, and I know what is unattractive at times, and what I could do to be more attractive. Could I trick myself into changing for other people while at the same time convincing my heart that it's good for me? I would normally say no, that I am strong enough to be who I want to be without too much regard for other people's opinions or preferences. I would normally so no.
Being an introspective person, and always looking to make myself better and looking on the inside for answers, perhaps I've skipped over the most simple solution for this whole thing. I keep mentioning that it's hard to be who I am, especially when I know that the opposite sex often looks for certain qualities that I don't desire to have or that run contrary to my nature. I keep focusing on myself, when in reality, I might just be looking at the wrong girls. If certain girls are just naturally attracted to jerks, then why would I want to attract their attention? I have always been someone eager to please and one who goes overboard in making other people happy, and because of that am too quick to change my habits or something with me to accommodate the other person. That's what is really hurting me here.
I am quick to say there are things about me that many girls would find unpleasing (among many pleasing attributes. I'm not bashing myself here) But in reality, I'm not most guys, and so it would make sense that I shouldn't be looking for "most girls". Yes, I may not be exactly what girls are looking for, the tough strong never cry man who makes them feel wanted if I treat them like meat, but that's not the type of girl I want to be with anyway.
So what does it all come down to? I shouldn't change myself to suit someone else. If I do want to change myself, and do so, then it should be for my own good and for my own development and success, not for someone else. In reality, I am the one that lives with myself every second of every day. (cliche alert!!) If I'm not happy with myself, then no one else will be either, and then everyone will be miserable. I need to find someone who is suited for me as they are, and I them. I need to find someone who is writing an entry similar to this one I finish right here. Hmm, I'm off to read some blogs. ;-)
Remember “the good guy” was at one time someone else’s “jerk”. I know I have been someone’s “jerk” but “the best thing that ever happened to” the next guy I dated.
hotpinksox, at 2:20 PM
Hey P
I saw that movie actually, and it was pretty funny and nice and everything. Ending was a little predictable, but what isn't in Hollywood nowadays.
The D, at 9:53 AM
Hotpink - Unless someone has a huge change of character or change of heart or some kind of change, I doubt that someone could be the "jerk" and then next time "the good guy". If he acted the same in both situations, then one of the girls is delirious. There's a far better chance of that happening. haha.
I could see it happening if "the good guy" dumped the girl and was then seen as "the jerk", but that's only because he dumped her, not because he's a jerk.
The D, at 9:55 AM
Oh change of character can happen, I've seen it happen, albeit in the 5th grade but I swear it can happen. :) We are so malleable when we are young before we be come jaded by past lovers. If only we could all be young and baggage free everytime we meet a new person, all the love relationships in the world would be bliss. But seriously,don't you think you "learn" something from every relationship? I know I do and I try to "change" for the better the next time.
hotpinksox, at 11:59 AM
Soo....not to sound too obtuse...but you DO attract alot of "girls". Look at the comments on your blog - overwhelmingly female. So I guess my question is, how is it you can have so many girl "friends" but not find the kind you want for a "girlfriend"? Maybe your physical attractions are signifigantly different than your mental or emotional attractions?
I dunno buddy, unless you are just too hideous for words or so fat we'll need a crane to pry you from your computer, something ain't addin' up here. Now, take this for what it's worth, coming from an old cranky married fart, but baby, your mind is shit-hot and if I was younger and single, I would AT LEAST want to chat and swap pics. As it is, I feel for you and think you are selling yourself way short my friend. I am about ready to log onto E-Harmony and find you Miss Right.
Or at least Miss Right
Mammy, at 12:31 PM
I'm still laughing at my mind being "shit-hot", that's the best description I've ever heard. I've found that a lot of girls put me into the friend category, most likely because I'm either too nice, or too shy to make a move. I don't hate it because I can often help out and be a shoulder, but sometimes it gets to me. Thank you for your nice, if odd, compliments. :-)
Maybe I'll have to post a picture up here sometime so everyone knows what I look like. Hmm, I'll get on that one.
The D, at 12:50 PM
So first of all, I feel like I should share my own personal philosophy on dating and attratction. I think that when a person is able to feel comfortable enough with themselves and their lives and not spend a bunch of time thinking about "needing" to find the right person or "needing" to be in a relationship, it's then that a relationship and a great person (I reserve judgment on the "right" thing) comes along. Don't change who you are to make others happy, or even to make yourself happy. Work on who you are to make yourself happy. You can't change who you are (my professional psychological opinion) but you can work on areas you think might be shortcomings.
And also for the record. I think that you are an incredible person and I'm not to shy to say that I find you quite attractive. So don't be so hard on yourself. I might not be the girl for you, but I am a girl so my opinion on attractiveness counts for something!
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM
You might be bold enough to say those things (thank you for the compliments) but why so timid to just leave K? :-)
Who is K? (if you don't want to write it here you can e-mail me)
The D, at 3:19 PM
K is for Kerry....almost like C is for Cookie...but I digress...I was just late for a meeting and sometimes I sign emails, letters and the what not with K...
Anonymous, at 3:45 PM
i think the tough thing, for me personally, is when i have my own things I am doing and working on...doing what I have to do for myself (to make myself happy and to work on shortcomings), and still never have somebody come along. I don't spend my time thinking of how I "need someone." However, going through life processes and changes and never getting to share it with "someone special" can just get pretty dang lonely. ...yup.
Matt, at 6:35 PM
Alright Big come the "remember back in highschool" stories....ok just one. Remember back in had an entire youth group fighting over you? There was probably 10 girls in that group alone who wanted to be on your arm, not to mention all the other girls I'm sure I never knew aboutcuz you were never one to brag about things like that. I've seen you looking pretty ragged and even then you are any woman's dream come true. Speaking of which..I got a fe pics from back in the day..I should post em =P~~
You know my situation and the kinda friendship we have, but don't think I'm just tryin to be're an awesome guy and like Kerry said...usually when you stop waiting for relationship to appear is when it comes along. You leaves those worries for another day and hold you head up high and woman wil notice the confidence and notice that you're not hovering, waiting for a "click" or "spark" and it'll make em want you more =)
Anonymous, at 7:35 PM
excuse the know the keyboard hates me
Anonymous, at 7:36 PM
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