My own writing, Part 2
I kept promising that I would post more of my own writing and then kept adding entries about other things happening, but here we are. This is the second installment of my own writing, this was the first installment.
Background: This is the song I recently wrote and will be singing at my church on Sunday. Obviously I can only post the lyrics, and though I like the lyrics, it's impossible to get the full effect without the music. I wrote the lyrics in about 15 minutes on the couch in my living room, and the music in about 5 days. Maybe I'll be able to get a recording up here some time. Anyway, here you go.
You Loved Me Anyway
Try and try again,
though perfection's out of reach,
and my soul is running out
of paths to take.
But time and time again,
though I tried to run away,
you looked at me,
and you loved me anyway.
From years and years of asking,
and searching for the truth,
my weary heart just falls
upon its face.
Nothing I could give,
would make up for my sins,
but please Lord will you
love me for today?
His arms now open wide,
his heart upon my life,
leaves imprints of a mercy
day by day.
But there are many times,
I tried to push from mind.
Too many wrongs to right,
within a sinned and tattered life.
I am not worthy of your love.
I'm just not worthy of your love.
But you saw what's on my heart,
and you knew me from the start.
Still you took me in your arms,
and you loved me anyway.
Reader Survey!!!
1. What do you think about the song?
2. What's your favorite breath mint?
3. What was the last movie you saw? And did you like it?
3a. If you didn't like it, what type of movie would you want to see?
4. What type of shampoo do you use?
5. Ask me a question!!! Anything!
Have a great day and pleasant reading. :-)
Background: This is the song I recently wrote and will be singing at my church on Sunday. Obviously I can only post the lyrics, and though I like the lyrics, it's impossible to get the full effect without the music. I wrote the lyrics in about 15 minutes on the couch in my living room, and the music in about 5 days. Maybe I'll be able to get a recording up here some time. Anyway, here you go.
You Loved Me Anyway
Try and try again,
though perfection's out of reach,
and my soul is running out
of paths to take.
But time and time again,
though I tried to run away,
you looked at me,
and you loved me anyway.
From years and years of asking,
and searching for the truth,
my weary heart just falls
upon its face.
Nothing I could give,
would make up for my sins,
but please Lord will you
love me for today?
His arms now open wide,
his heart upon my life,
leaves imprints of a mercy
day by day.
But there are many times,
I tried to push from mind.
Too many wrongs to right,
within a sinned and tattered life.
I am not worthy of your love.
I'm just not worthy of your love.
But you saw what's on my heart,
and you knew me from the start.
Still you took me in your arms,
and you loved me anyway.
Reader Survey!!!
1. What do you think about the song?
2. What's your favorite breath mint?
3. What was the last movie you saw? And did you like it?
3a. If you didn't like it, what type of movie would you want to see?
4. What type of shampoo do you use?
5. Ask me a question!!! Anything!
Have a great day and pleasant reading. :-)
1. What do you think about the song?
- you have my and sing for me so I can get the full effect =D so's great just as I knew it would be
2. What's your favorite breath mint?
- SKITTLES!! wait, mint..ok um, anything spearmint flavored
3. What was the last movie you saw? And did you like it?
- Started to watch The Notebook and the DVD apparently was dragged over gravel before making its way to my player so I never finished it, but I LOVED it.
3a. If you didn't like it, what type of movie would you want to see?
- ....maybe watch it again in its entirety w/o the skips
4. What type of shampoo do you use?
- I switch a lot to get the "new-shampoo-soft-hair" effect but Redken and Herbal Essence are tried and true favs
5. Ask me a question!!! Anything!
- When are you gonna visit me ?!?!
Anonymous, at 12:38 PM
Well when will you be in the northeast? I will have a couple weeks off in September after I quit my job, so if you're anywhere around this area, tell me when. Got it! Oh, and the notebook is wonderful, even though it's really depressing if you're single and lonely. But great movie.
The D, at 1:00 PM
1) The words are moving in and of themselves, so I imagine it would be beautiful set to music.
2)I can't remember the last time I used a breath mint...I usually chem gum or brush my teeth to freshen my breath. As far as the gum is concerned I like sugerfree trident in spearmint flavor
3)I watched One hour Photo last night on FX because there was NOTHING on tv and I was feeling lazy. I haven't decided whether or not I liked it. I think Robin Williams was really good in it, but I'm still on the fence about the movie in general. As for the follow up question: Last night I think I was in the mood for something more the first Harry Potter Movie or my Pirates of The Carribean.
4) John Frida's Sheer Blonde Shampoo and Conditioner for Honey Blonde...I hate sounding like one of those girls that sends hours on hair and makeup so let me add that I use this shampoo and conditioner because it's really awesome at removing chlorine and chemical build-up from swimming and showering! Ick..I feel like such a girl...
5)How are you a lifting boxes? Wanna come help me move? :)
Anonymous, at 1:06 PM
I'm not a huge fan of One Hour Photo. It was alright, but I wasn't crazy about it. Odd note, Robin Williams also made Final Cut not too long after One Hour Photo. Final cut was not bad, but also a kind of photo/video oriented movie. Check it out.
I am decent at lifting boxes, and it depends on when you're moving. Send me an e-mail and let me know.
I also have a funny story about Cinnamon Trident Gum. That most likely will now be my next entry. :-)
The D, at 1:29 PM
1. I liked it a lot. I'd like to hear the music with it.
2. White Tic Tacs!!!
3. The 40 year old virgin. I loved it. Very funny, the "sex" humor was TOO much but I wouldn't take a child to ie. In some sceens the supporting cast was better than Steve What's-his-name.
4. Matrix for cleaning, Aquage for styling.
5. What was the first album you bought?
hotpinksox, at 1:37 PM
The sex humor was NOT too much. I'm so bad at using contractions when I type.
hotpinksox, at 1:38 PM
Hey hotpink! White tic tacs are great, my fav. I'm also glad to hear a good review of 40 yr. old.
The first album I bought was Ace of Base - The Sign. I didn't get really into music until late in my life, so I missed pretty much all the 80's and early early 90's. But I now have around 300 cd's, so I'm a music freak. 2 Albums I bought soon after were very influential though.
1. Green Day - Dookie
2. Notorious BIG - Life After Death
The Biggie cd was what got me into rap, and I LOVE rap mainly for 2 reasons.
1. It's the only form of music where the words are more important than the music.
2. The rhyming schemes always change and are incredible. I love rhymes and I write my kids books at 99% of poetry in rhyme, so it's just in me to like rap.
The D, at 1:48 PM
1. the lyrics are real & genuine ~ remind me of jennifer knapp's lyrics ~ very powerful. would love to hear the music though ~ maybe add the recording to your blog? I'm sure there's a way to do that!
2. sour apple altoids ~ though I don't think they are a breath mint. :)
3. the machinist. I was disturbed more by the people surrounding Trevor Resnick than by his grotesque weight loss and paranoia ~ it's sort of a mix between fight club & momento ~ but I still can't believe folks would not do more or ask more questions of someone wasting away like that. so I guess I didn't like it!
3a. something original, not a remake of movies before it ~ I am excited about the new Tim Burton movie coming out.
4. Bath and Body Works wheat, all-natural looking stuff.
5. If you could be any 70's disco star, which one would you be and why?
Denice, at 10:00 PM
D Nice! Let me start by calling you Denice, since that is your first name. ;-) glad to have new readers, thanks for the comment. I didn't like the Machinist at all. I thought the imagery and the cinematography was good, but I didn't like the movie. And Bath & Body Works has wonderful hand lotion. (I'm a hand lotion person and they have great scents)
I unfortunately can't answer your question for certain reasons:
1. I was not alive nor even thought of in the 70's, so I know little about them.
2. I don't like disco, except for Ring My Bell.
So I'd be whoever did ring my bell, unless it was a woman, and then I'm no one. Sorry!
The D, at 12:33 AM
"Bath & Body Works has wonderful hand lotion. (I'm a hand lotion person and they have great scents)"
What? I can't get Cory to go near that store cuz of the so need to come visit so we can go buy smell-goods together. I won't be in the northeast again until maybe next year around holidays...visiting NY in july and MN in sept has killed my bank account. =/
Anonymous, at 10:27 AM
1. I like the lyrics and would really like to hear the accompanying music. Even better, to hear you sing it.
2. Altoids peppermint
3. Bewitched. It was pretty lame, but I really like Nicole Kidman.
4. A good action flick.
5. Equate (Wal-Marts house brand) dry scalp mostly. We like to buy-n-try new and different ones.
6. Have you ever been downhill snow-skiing?
Mammy, at 11:11 AM
Hey there rabbit. I've heard luke warm reviews of Bewitched, unfortunately. I like Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman as well. I really like Nicole Kidman actually. anyway!
I have been downhill snow skiing several times, twice last season. I like to go really really fast though. I've only taken a hard spill once and had to be brought down the mountain by the ski patrol in a body bag zipped up to my chin. Fun stuff.
The D, at 11:22 AM
1.I like it! I can relate to the whole running away and being pursued concept.
2.Altoids. I'm with you on cinnamon.
3.The Station, I liked it, it was quirky and interesting tho they used the 'f' word a bit gratuitously.
4.John Frieda for honey blondes, to preserve those expensive and utterly frivolous highlights I get every 3 months.
5. What would be your perfect meal?
Rootietoot, at 7:01 PM
1: Give me some tunes!!!
2: Wint-o-green mentos. Didn't know they made those, did ya'?
3: Dial M for Murder. Quite good. A Perfect Murder was the remake, but this was simpler, and maybe a little trickier. I saw APM first so I knew how it was resolved, but it is still a good movie.
3a: On a side note, I recently saw the remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Point 1: Johnny Depp was being weird for it's own sake (I think) and I am more impressed by subtlety. 2: I'm reading Gilda Radner's book right now, so it's hard to not favor the Gene Wilder version.
4: Something pink and nice smelling.
5: Are there any albums better than Permission to Land?
Anonymous, at 4:02 AM
Rootie! Glad you agree with the cinnamon. I've never heard of the station, would you suggest others watch it?
My perfect meal would be beef stroganoff, just how my mom makes it. It's the most tender, amazing beef with the most incredible sauce. Nothing even needs to go with it, you could just have that. Of course what makes the perfect meal is the perfect company, n'est pas?
The D, at 10:08 AM
Hey Capt. Aye aye, I'll see what I can do to get some tunes up. I'm not suprised they make wint-o-green mentos when they came out with fruit flavored ones. I just like the commercials though, they're the best.
Mentos, the freshmaker!
I saw the remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Matt, and both of us liked it a lot. I thought Depp was pretty funny because of his subtlety, but I think I liked Gene Wilder better, he was a bit sharper.
The only album better than Permission to Land, by The Darkness, is Permission to Land in Strings, by some string band that does all the songs in violin and cello. That. Was. Awesome.
The D, at 10:11 AM
1.Your song is beautiful. Quite indicative of your soul (I would assume).
2.I'm not typically a breath mint person, instead I chew gum. But nevertheless, it was probably Wint-O-Green Life Savers.
3.On Tuesday I saw "The Upside of Anger". And I enjoyed it very much.
4.I just bought Marc Jacobs Simply Straight. It's my new thang.
5.Okay, my question for you is: What are you afraid of?
Thatgirl7278, at 1:26 PM
Upside of anger, I've seen that at the video store and have thought about renting it. I may rent it now.
What am I afraid of?
I'm afraid of being alone and dying before my voice/writing gets out.
I'm afraid of being alone because I won't have anyone to share all these things with, all the things in life and experiences and joys and sadness and ideas and just life in general. I just want someone to share life with.
I'm afraid of dying early simply because if I died, my ideas, my voice, my writing would die with me, and that would make me really sad. It would never get out to people and would never make a difference in someone's life. There you go. Good question. :-)
The D, at 2:34 PM
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