Oh boy. Let me start by saying this is a two part blog in which I, The D, will set the scene for you, and Matthew, I'll give you a link later, will explain what happened.
So last night, Saturday night, Matt and I decide that we're going to clean the kitchen at around 10:30 at night. I start scrubbing down the countertops while he cleans the table and vacuums the floor. Naturally, we start talking about certain things, mainly the annoying faucet that is still broken, and our other roommate's fiance. I won't get into why I don't like her because it makes no difference to the story, just understand that neither of us like her very much if at all.
So, clearing off a few things on the couch in the living room, we happen upon her one piece bathing suit which has been sitting on the couch (after being washed) for about a month now. We don't really care that it is there, because we don't even sit on that part of the couch and it really doesn't bother us at all. However, being funny people that we are, we thought it would be a good idea to hang her bathing suit on a wooden beam in the kitchen, just for the heck of it.
I ask Matt if he has any rope, and he goes out to his car and returns with the rope from his trunk. I stand up on a nearby chair, throw the rope over the beam, well, place the rope, the beam isn't that high. I take the rope and bring it under the two shoulder loops on the suit, and then tie it off so it's hanging nicely in the kitchen. Along with this purple swimsuit is a black sweater which has also been on the couch for a while, and also not bothering us at all. I decide further, that it would be funny to put said black sweater into the bathing suit to fill it out a bit, make it look funnier. At that point, it kind of looked like a turkey in a bathing suit. Being the creative person that I am, I get several plastic bags, ball them up and use them as stuffing for the suit, adding as a final touch, the cherry on top: two tennis balls. I don't have to explain to you what those were for. Balance, yes, they were used for balance. *looks away quickly*
Now, let me also say that we had asked them to move these two items of clothing a few times and had not received any cooperation at all. Let me also say again that this was meant as just a joke and we didn't actually give a crap that the clothes were there, we just happened to be cleaning.
So here we are, around midnight, with a swimsuit hanging down from the beam, looking like a turkey with ample tennis ball sized breasts, waiting to be discovered. It was almost like the New World, but on a smaller scale of course. I, being a good christian who loves God, went to church in the morning while my heathen roommate Matt was sleeping in. Apparantly they came home this morning, and found the hanging turkey in a swimsuit. Matt can tell you the rest. :-) Believe me, it's good.
Go read part II.
By the way, I will be back tomorrow with my movie review of "Alfie", which was suggested to me after I reviewed The Wedding Crashers, and hated it, as well as jack ass men. Ok bye!
So last night, Saturday night, Matt and I decide that we're going to clean the kitchen at around 10:30 at night. I start scrubbing down the countertops while he cleans the table and vacuums the floor. Naturally, we start talking about certain things, mainly the annoying faucet that is still broken, and our other roommate's fiance. I won't get into why I don't like her because it makes no difference to the story, just understand that neither of us like her very much if at all.
So, clearing off a few things on the couch in the living room, we happen upon her one piece bathing suit which has been sitting on the couch (after being washed) for about a month now. We don't really care that it is there, because we don't even sit on that part of the couch and it really doesn't bother us at all. However, being funny people that we are, we thought it would be a good idea to hang her bathing suit on a wooden beam in the kitchen, just for the heck of it.
I ask Matt if he has any rope, and he goes out to his car and returns with the rope from his trunk. I stand up on a nearby chair, throw the rope over the beam, well, place the rope, the beam isn't that high. I take the rope and bring it under the two shoulder loops on the suit, and then tie it off so it's hanging nicely in the kitchen. Along with this purple swimsuit is a black sweater which has also been on the couch for a while, and also not bothering us at all. I decide further, that it would be funny to put said black sweater into the bathing suit to fill it out a bit, make it look funnier. At that point, it kind of looked like a turkey in a bathing suit. Being the creative person that I am, I get several plastic bags, ball them up and use them as stuffing for the suit, adding as a final touch, the cherry on top: two tennis balls. I don't have to explain to you what those were for. Balance, yes, they were used for balance. *looks away quickly*
Now, let me also say that we had asked them to move these two items of clothing a few times and had not received any cooperation at all. Let me also say again that this was meant as just a joke and we didn't actually give a crap that the clothes were there, we just happened to be cleaning.
So here we are, around midnight, with a swimsuit hanging down from the beam, looking like a turkey with ample tennis ball sized breasts, waiting to be discovered. It was almost like the New World, but on a smaller scale of course. I, being a good christian who loves God, went to church in the morning while my heathen roommate Matt was sleeping in. Apparantly they came home this morning, and found the hanging turkey in a swimsuit. Matt can tell you the rest. :-) Believe me, it's good.
Go read part II.
By the way, I will be back tomorrow with my movie review of "Alfie", which was suggested to me after I reviewed The Wedding Crashers, and hated it, as well as jack ass men. Ok bye!
Good times, good times. Ahh...when will the world appreciate our humor? Yes i lumped your humor in with mine...i feel so dirty:)
Matt, at 6:55 PM
"D" read matt's blog and what I wrote
it goes for both of you. Also check the spelling I am getting better. Larry
Anonymous, at 8:13 PM
Hey Larry, now we can insult each other and I won't delete the comments! And by the way, you suck!! Ha, this is great.
The D, at 10:03 PM
Thanks for such a moving story guys...lol...I am now trying to pluck a lemon seed from my left nostril...see, I was drinking homemade lemondade....
Ahem, anyway, you should be pleased that you baaaddd boys made me snot lemonade *wink* I feel dirty too ;-)
As for "bad roommate" and "Effigy Walking"...please stay in touch with them....cause I wanna hear what happens when they DO get married and have kids and the kids do things like hang the GI Joes on a spit over the barbeque and flush plastic watermelon slices down the commode and put glue in the cat's hair and say things like "OOOO, Mommy *eyes widening*...your butt is soooo BIG!"
That'll be a real hoot!
*off to find the tweezers and the vanilla vodka*
Mammy, at 10:48 PM
As funny as I find the story, especially the unlistening (definitely a word) and over the top responses, you guys had to be idiots not to see it coming. Hanging someone in effigy? Someone you don't like? Did you really think she would laugh?
Anonymous, at 2:29 AM
Lol...well, not to sound too viperous delighting in another's misery, but exactly how is hanging a one piece swimsuit stuffed with tennis balls and other miscellany actually "hanging someone in effigy"? Unless that swimsuit's owner is hypersensitive and has zero sense of humor? I think bawling for 15 minutes, peeling out of the drive and moving out of the residence are just a bit of an overreaction to two bored bachelors displaying a warped sense of humor.
Although neither one of them sounds real torn up about him moving....or any of the other histrionics spawned by the curvy-licious hanging turkey suit.
OK, D....truth - is "the Captain" your pet name for your conscience?
Mammy, at 8:24 AM
"D" every one has a purpose in life and if mine is to suck it's fine, as long as I don't blow. After what you and Matt pulled off I am not going to mess with either of you, "you da man"
(The Speller)
Anonymous, at 8:35 AM
Hanging someone in effigy represents danger and hatred towards them as if you want to do them harm. Neither Matt or I have ever come close to making them think we would harm them, and we always joke about things, make fun of each other, stuff like that. So we didn't feel she would freak out like that. Plus she's a real bubbly cheery person, so we thought she had a sense of humor. Unfortunately, she's a democrat, so there goes that theory. (I had to)
The D, at 10:38 AM
The Captain isn't my conscience, he's our former roommate who left and was replaced by the one we're writing about. Odd huh?
The D, at 10:38 AM
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