Stream of thoughts
I had an idea for what I wanted to write today, but I decided not to right now. So I'm just going to start writing. I have NO idea where this will go, and I may get into what I wanted to write anyway, but I'm just going to write. Buckle up.
I'm sitting at work staring at this screen and I have absolutely no desire to work. Why am I still here? I don't know. I get paid pretty well, that might have something to do with it. It's easy, cause I don't work half the time anyway. I think this place is draining me out. It never changes, and my boss doesn't either. I miss working with females. I've never got along famously with guys and I've always been able to relate to my girl friends (meaning friends that are girls). I miss being around girls in general, let alone people. I have such a small social life, it's barely existant, and I want that to change but I'm nervous to go out there and try to make it change. I'm way out of my comfort zone around people my age, I just can't seem to get on a similar wavelength with anyone. I like to use the excuse of not having much time for friends, and in some cases that is true, but in others, it's still just an excuse. Where do I go? There's no shopping center for finding friends. Library? People are reading and working on the internet and such. Starbucks or a coffee house? People are usually working on laptops or talking with a friend. Bars? Not my dish. Clubs? Hate them with a passion. Should I just walk down the street and start saying hi to people? Just sit on the corner with a sign saying "Come talk to me." That doesn't shout desperation at all. Is that where I am? Have I become desperate to meet people? I think I'm getting to that point.
It's such a delicate balance that I haven't quite mastered yet. I like my own space and time, but the amount and when I need it can change so quickly that it's often unpredictable. Just like when I'm happy, which I have been a lot lately, and I sometimes want to be depressed instead. (Don't ask) And when I get my masochistic wish, I often become impartial to the things that make me happy. Then insecurities burrow their way in and toy with me. What if I'm not a good enough writer to make it? What if I'm stuck toiling away at my writing projects for years and it's all for not? What if I get married and I'm still doing these "non-career" jobs instead of settling in to something? What if she has faith in my ability and drive to become a writer and I let myself down, and more painfully, her too? What if I keep going down this road and become a hermit at 29 years old, alone and too scared to remedy it? Part of me as a man is ashamed to be like this and embarrassed to be sharing it as well. I don't want people looking this far into me. Why can't I just be a man and suck it up and go for it, carpe diem or something right? Take a deep breath and walk tall. A man isn't supposed to be like this. A 23 year old isn't supposed to be like this. These are apparantly the highlight years here, the best years of my life, yadda yadda yadda. That's what I keep hearing. Instead of highlight years, I'm sitting at this desk, staring at the computer screen in a disgraceful excuse for a showroom, with a sad excuse for a boss, counting down the hours until I leave, and then muting my sadness and loneliness with video games and movies at home. Highlight my ass, this is pathetic.
I'm sitting at work staring at this screen and I have absolutely no desire to work. Why am I still here? I don't know. I get paid pretty well, that might have something to do with it. It's easy, cause I don't work half the time anyway. I think this place is draining me out. It never changes, and my boss doesn't either. I miss working with females. I've never got along famously with guys and I've always been able to relate to my girl friends (meaning friends that are girls). I miss being around girls in general, let alone people. I have such a small social life, it's barely existant, and I want that to change but I'm nervous to go out there and try to make it change. I'm way out of my comfort zone around people my age, I just can't seem to get on a similar wavelength with anyone. I like to use the excuse of not having much time for friends, and in some cases that is true, but in others, it's still just an excuse. Where do I go? There's no shopping center for finding friends. Library? People are reading and working on the internet and such. Starbucks or a coffee house? People are usually working on laptops or talking with a friend. Bars? Not my dish. Clubs? Hate them with a passion. Should I just walk down the street and start saying hi to people? Just sit on the corner with a sign saying "Come talk to me." That doesn't shout desperation at all. Is that where I am? Have I become desperate to meet people? I think I'm getting to that point.
It's such a delicate balance that I haven't quite mastered yet. I like my own space and time, but the amount and when I need it can change so quickly that it's often unpredictable. Just like when I'm happy, which I have been a lot lately, and I sometimes want to be depressed instead. (Don't ask) And when I get my masochistic wish, I often become impartial to the things that make me happy. Then insecurities burrow their way in and toy with me. What if I'm not a good enough writer to make it? What if I'm stuck toiling away at my writing projects for years and it's all for not? What if I get married and I'm still doing these "non-career" jobs instead of settling in to something? What if she has faith in my ability and drive to become a writer and I let myself down, and more painfully, her too? What if I keep going down this road and become a hermit at 29 years old, alone and too scared to remedy it? Part of me as a man is ashamed to be like this and embarrassed to be sharing it as well. I don't want people looking this far into me. Why can't I just be a man and suck it up and go for it, carpe diem or something right? Take a deep breath and walk tall. A man isn't supposed to be like this. A 23 year old isn't supposed to be like this. These are apparantly the highlight years here, the best years of my life, yadda yadda yadda. That's what I keep hearing. Instead of highlight years, I'm sitting at this desk, staring at the computer screen in a disgraceful excuse for a showroom, with a sad excuse for a boss, counting down the hours until I leave, and then muting my sadness and loneliness with video games and movies at home. Highlight my ass, this is pathetic.
I don't know what to say other than I read it...and I can relate.
Anonymous, at 12:56 PM
Darrell, you said that so well! As you know very well, I can really relate to what you're saying. "Part of you as a man is ashamed to be like this and embarassed by what you wrote." Not that society will agree, but you should be more proud than embarassed by being able to write what you did. These aren't the "highlight" years for you because when people speak of those years, it involves activities that you, even at 23 years of age, are well past. You're better than want more for your life. I venture to say that the feelings you described don't take place in people, especially men, until a little later in their lives. When faced with the reality before them, they either go into survival mode and just try to get by or they dig in deep within themselves to find something they never knew about. The latter is what you'll do. Write something lighthearted know so i stop sounding sappy!
Matt, at 4:11 PM
and i thought mine was too long!:) Hi allison!
Matt, at 12:24 AM
Ok...I'm just gonna say're fabulous D....and Allison, well, she sounds like a pretty awesome kinda human too....I'm thinkin' ya'll need to at least swap messenger ID's and chat a bit....HEY! stranger things have could be a "thang"!!!
I just couldn't resist the cupid urge...courage and opinion fueled by amaretto, so sue
*ducking and running away now so the two cool single peeps don't fling their keyboards at me*
Who loves ya baby??!! (((hugs)))
Mammy, at 12:52 PM
I've said this before, but I think you would be surprised at how many people feel the same way you do. For me, the older I get, the harder it is to make friends - and I've got a few years on you! Keep your future in your mind, but don't let the uncertainties of it consume you. Good luck.
ERIN C., at 6:29 PM
hey man, i found your site through a friends and all i can say is that im a 21yr old and feel the exact same way. Know that there are people in the same boat that are also your age. But its hard to find us i think. Good luck and keep trying.
Carter Rose, at 3:35 PM
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