I Love Fall
I spent yesterday in the first week of October. After the cool morning with a nice wind, and a gorgeous sunset with the windows down, I was officially living in autumn yesterday, regardless of the fact that it was July. I busted out my "fall" music and put it on in the office, and enjoyed the rest of the day. I'm not ready to give that up, so I wrote a blog in my head last night about why I love fall so much. Here are the top 10 reasons why I like fall so much. *dreamy sigh*
10. Hurricane Season!
Yeah, I know, I'm an insensitive prick for saying I love hurricane season, but think about it. Hurricane season is the only time when it's really interesting to pay attention to the weather. All other times of the year I don't pay attention to the weather and live on the edge, not knowing when it's going to rain. But hurricane season, how can you not admire the beauty of such a huge force of nature, it's awe-inspiring, c'mon. And the names? That's the best part. It's revenge for nerds because it's the only time Herbert will ever strike fear in the heart of anyone.
9. The smell
As long as you don't live in New Jersey (rim shot) you know what I'm talking about. The smell of fall. The only way to describe it is fresh. It's so crisp and invigorating, you can sit outside just to smell the air and be perfectly content.
8. The temperature and breeze
This is somewhat related to #9. The breeze is what spreads around that wonderful smell, but the temperature is what makes it so nice to go outside. When you drive home in the fall, you don't need a/c, you don't need heat, you just need a pair of windows and an open highway baby.
7. Winter is coming!
Yes, you heard it, I love fall because that means winter is coming, my second favorite season. Yeah, I'm one of those freaks that thinks wearing a huge blue coat with 25 pockets that goes down a foot past your waist is cool. I like snow, I like seeing my breath. I like 3 foot icicles that hang down from the overhang in the roof. I like to snap them off and prop them up in the sink between dishes, it looks cool. I like watching snow fall, I like hearing snow fall (yes, it makes a sound if you're quiet, a certain shorty from NY knows all about this) I like the white snow on everything, so calm and peaceful. Bring on the cold!
6. The colors of the leaves
Now, I must say, that if you haven't been to New England in the fall, then you can't understand fully what I'm saying here. You need to spend a week in New England in the fall at least once in your life if you can. The leaves are incredible, and their everywhere, and every color: red, orange, yellow, auburn, golden, purple, ok, maybe not purple. It's like the sunset one night just left all it's colors on the leaves as it went down.
5. My big blue fleece sweater (though everyone says it's a sweatshirt, big friggin difference)
This tells you how much I love that sweater. It's just a big, dark blue fleece sweater, and it's absolutely my favorite item of clothing. I wear it all the time: during the fall, the winter, and early spring. Seriously, any excuse to put it on, and I'm wearing it. It's fuzzy, cozy, warm, and has a lot of memories in it. And the best thing about it? I bought it several years ago for about 12 bucks at K-Mart. Booyah!
4. Summer is over!
This is the most triumphant reason you can yell from the rooftops to everyone around. Yay!!! Just thinking about it gets me excited. I HATE SUMMER. Everyone who knows me knows I've always felt this way. I don't beg for summer once winter and her sub-zero temperatures come, no, I always hate summer. I'm one of those crazy kids that thinks 90 degree heat with 80% humidity isn't any fun, go figure. I can't freakin wait for this inescapable sauna they affectionately call "summer" to be over. Good riddance!
3. The holidays! (including my birthday)
The holidays during fall are the best. Halloween, my birthday, and Thanksgiving, the best! I like Halloween, yes. Don't tell any other Christians though, I might get stupid e-mails. Anyway, I think I like Halloween mainly because of the weather and mysterious aura, but also cause you get to see cute kids in fun costumes come up to your door, and then you get to spray them with the water hose. (I don't do that, really.) My birthday is the best because, well, it's mine, duh. And Thanksgiving, ahh the holiday of eating. You get together with your entire family, and have this enormous meal at 3 in the afternoon (because apparantly dinner starts earlier on holidays) and then sit around being lazy, waiting for dessert to come around so you can eat even more! And the food is amazing in itself, it just doesn't get any better than Thanksgiving.
2. My best romances and girlfriends
Spring may be the season of love for everyone else, but it's fall for me. Everyone of my more memorable and most wonderful girlfriends were in the fall. Amber, Erin, Tracy. The big 3 everyone, give em a round of applause.
Amber was my first real girlfriend, back in my junior and senior year of highschool. I used to take the blue bus a couple towns over to her house to see her all the time cause I didn't have a license yet. I always listened to DC Talk - Supernatural and so that cd reminds me of her and of the fall. Whenever I smell the fall, I often think of those walks to the bus, and from the bus to her house. My dad used to get pissed cause we would take a walk somewhere and be late coming back to her house just cause we wanted 5 more minutes. Wonderful wonderful times amidst a hellstorm.
Erin was the girlfriend I got along with the best. She was 12 years older than me and wow did she look good. A constant jogger and kickboxer, long blonde hair, brown eyes, tan skin, a knockout. I met her in spanish class and would help her with the assignments at her house. I remember the first time I called her was just after she had wisdom teeth taken out and it was her birthday, October 30th. We stayed up one night til about 4 am just to see a meteor shower, and she had never seen one before. Great times, great girl.
Tracy was my last girlfriend. She too was and is a beautiful girl. She has brown curly hair with highlights, gorgeous blue eyes, a great body, and an even better smile. I met her at the restaurant I worked at and asked her enough times to go to dessert that she finally caved, and boy was I happy. She inspired the movie I'm writing right now with my favorite scene in it straight from real life. We were at a little playground near her house at night just swinging on the swings and talking. That's when I first told her I liked her, and I gave her a piggy back ride back to my car as she held on tightly. Guess what sweater I was wearing. :-)
*Drum roll please*
And the number one reason...
Ladies, I love you all and you provide the most and best memories I have of fall and of anything, but football is football baby. My heart is stolen when that pigskin gets brought out. You can't top football. A bunch of men in pads hitting the crap out of each other in the outdoors, rain or shine, the way sports are MEANT to be played. Pay attention you sissy pants baseball players who can't play in the rain or lightening or anything, you pansies. (You're probably all French.) Football is only a 16 game season, so EVERY game counts. And it's the only one of the major sports where the playoffs are one game only, not a 7 game series. Sunday's are football, the day becomes the sport. You go to church (unless you're a heathen! haha) and come home to change and sit in front of the TV until late night, watching nothing but football. Upsets happen, teams come out of nowhere, players rise to greatness, and fall to mediocrity! Champions are crowned, losers go home beaten and battered, and in the heat of the battle of the gridiron, men are born.
That is why football is number one. If the ladies can don the padding and cleats, and run with the NFL, then I move them immediately to #1. Until then, football reigns supreme, and its season, is Fall.
10. Hurricane Season!
Yeah, I know, I'm an insensitive prick for saying I love hurricane season, but think about it. Hurricane season is the only time when it's really interesting to pay attention to the weather. All other times of the year I don't pay attention to the weather and live on the edge, not knowing when it's going to rain. But hurricane season, how can you not admire the beauty of such a huge force of nature, it's awe-inspiring, c'mon. And the names? That's the best part. It's revenge for nerds because it's the only time Herbert will ever strike fear in the heart of anyone.
9. The smell
As long as you don't live in New Jersey (rim shot) you know what I'm talking about. The smell of fall. The only way to describe it is fresh. It's so crisp and invigorating, you can sit outside just to smell the air and be perfectly content.
8. The temperature and breeze
This is somewhat related to #9. The breeze is what spreads around that wonderful smell, but the temperature is what makes it so nice to go outside. When you drive home in the fall, you don't need a/c, you don't need heat, you just need a pair of windows and an open highway baby.
7. Winter is coming!
Yes, you heard it, I love fall because that means winter is coming, my second favorite season. Yeah, I'm one of those freaks that thinks wearing a huge blue coat with 25 pockets that goes down a foot past your waist is cool. I like snow, I like seeing my breath. I like 3 foot icicles that hang down from the overhang in the roof. I like to snap them off and prop them up in the sink between dishes, it looks cool. I like watching snow fall, I like hearing snow fall (yes, it makes a sound if you're quiet, a certain shorty from NY knows all about this) I like the white snow on everything, so calm and peaceful. Bring on the cold!
6. The colors of the leaves
Now, I must say, that if you haven't been to New England in the fall, then you can't understand fully what I'm saying here. You need to spend a week in New England in the fall at least once in your life if you can. The leaves are incredible, and their everywhere, and every color: red, orange, yellow, auburn, golden, purple, ok, maybe not purple. It's like the sunset one night just left all it's colors on the leaves as it went down.
5. My big blue fleece sweater (though everyone says it's a sweatshirt, big friggin difference)
This tells you how much I love that sweater. It's just a big, dark blue fleece sweater, and it's absolutely my favorite item of clothing. I wear it all the time: during the fall, the winter, and early spring. Seriously, any excuse to put it on, and I'm wearing it. It's fuzzy, cozy, warm, and has a lot of memories in it. And the best thing about it? I bought it several years ago for about 12 bucks at K-Mart. Booyah!
4. Summer is over!
This is the most triumphant reason you can yell from the rooftops to everyone around. Yay!!! Just thinking about it gets me excited. I HATE SUMMER. Everyone who knows me knows I've always felt this way. I don't beg for summer once winter and her sub-zero temperatures come, no, I always hate summer. I'm one of those crazy kids that thinks 90 degree heat with 80% humidity isn't any fun, go figure. I can't freakin wait for this inescapable sauna they affectionately call "summer" to be over. Good riddance!
3. The holidays! (including my birthday)
The holidays during fall are the best. Halloween, my birthday, and Thanksgiving, the best! I like Halloween, yes. Don't tell any other Christians though, I might get stupid e-mails. Anyway, I think I like Halloween mainly because of the weather and mysterious aura, but also cause you get to see cute kids in fun costumes come up to your door, and then you get to spray them with the water hose. (I don't do that, really.) My birthday is the best because, well, it's mine, duh. And Thanksgiving, ahh the holiday of eating. You get together with your entire family, and have this enormous meal at 3 in the afternoon (because apparantly dinner starts earlier on holidays) and then sit around being lazy, waiting for dessert to come around so you can eat even more! And the food is amazing in itself, it just doesn't get any better than Thanksgiving.
2. My best romances and girlfriends
Spring may be the season of love for everyone else, but it's fall for me. Everyone of my more memorable and most wonderful girlfriends were in the fall. Amber, Erin, Tracy. The big 3 everyone, give em a round of applause.
Amber was my first real girlfriend, back in my junior and senior year of highschool. I used to take the blue bus a couple towns over to her house to see her all the time cause I didn't have a license yet. I always listened to DC Talk - Supernatural and so that cd reminds me of her and of the fall. Whenever I smell the fall, I often think of those walks to the bus, and from the bus to her house. My dad used to get pissed cause we would take a walk somewhere and be late coming back to her house just cause we wanted 5 more minutes. Wonderful wonderful times amidst a hellstorm.
Erin was the girlfriend I got along with the best. She was 12 years older than me and wow did she look good. A constant jogger and kickboxer, long blonde hair, brown eyes, tan skin, a knockout. I met her in spanish class and would help her with the assignments at her house. I remember the first time I called her was just after she had wisdom teeth taken out and it was her birthday, October 30th. We stayed up one night til about 4 am just to see a meteor shower, and she had never seen one before. Great times, great girl.
Tracy was my last girlfriend. She too was and is a beautiful girl. She has brown curly hair with highlights, gorgeous blue eyes, a great body, and an even better smile. I met her at the restaurant I worked at and asked her enough times to go to dessert that she finally caved, and boy was I happy. She inspired the movie I'm writing right now with my favorite scene in it straight from real life. We were at a little playground near her house at night just swinging on the swings and talking. That's when I first told her I liked her, and I gave her a piggy back ride back to my car as she held on tightly. Guess what sweater I was wearing. :-)
*Drum roll please*
And the number one reason...
Ladies, I love you all and you provide the most and best memories I have of fall and of anything, but football is football baby. My heart is stolen when that pigskin gets brought out. You can't top football. A bunch of men in pads hitting the crap out of each other in the outdoors, rain or shine, the way sports are MEANT to be played. Pay attention you sissy pants baseball players who can't play in the rain or lightening or anything, you pansies. (You're probably all French.) Football is only a 16 game season, so EVERY game counts. And it's the only one of the major sports where the playoffs are one game only, not a 7 game series. Sunday's are football, the day becomes the sport. You go to church (unless you're a heathen! haha) and come home to change and sit in front of the TV until late night, watching nothing but football. Upsets happen, teams come out of nowhere, players rise to greatness, and fall to mediocrity! Champions are crowned, losers go home beaten and battered, and in the heat of the battle of the gridiron, men are born.
That is why football is number one. If the ladies can don the padding and cleats, and run with the NFL, then I move them immediately to #1. Until then, football reigns supreme, and its season, is Fall.
"It's like the sunset one night just left all it's colors on the leaves as it went down." - D
That's an amazing way of putting it. Fall is my favorite as well, for pretty much the same reasons minus the football..GO YANKEES!!
So tell me more about this Amber chick, she sounds great...*snicker*
Anonymous, at 12:19 PM
Football is Life. Football is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Football is why I get up in the morning...
So why can't I find a boyfriend who appreciates football as much as I do?
P.S. on a sad football note: I am currently in mourning for the loss of two of my favorite players to retirement and the disabled list... Brushci, Johnson...I'm gonna miss you guys *tear*
Anonymous, at 12:35 PM
Translucide, thank you for reminding me.
I also love fall because it reminds of the pathetic and historic yankee collapse in the biggest choke job ever. Thanks for the reminder honey. :-)
And yes, that Amber chick was pretty damn great. I hear she still is...
The D, at 1:05 PM
I could not agree with you more-- I can't wait to be COLD again... long sleeved shirts, jeans, and sweaters. ah. thanks for sharing. me :)
mel, at 10:41 PM
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