See The D

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


So here we are.

I'm not going to list off a bunch of reasons why you should continue reading me. I'm not some popular author with a bunch of fascinating antecdotes, and I'm no one famous or special in the eye of the general public. I'm just me. And that alone my friends, is why you should read this. I won't pretend to be something important or fancy. Chances are, very few will read this anyway, and probably even fewer will continue to do so. But nonetheless...

I'm here just to share and be shared with. One of man's (or woman's) biggest desires in life is to share knowledge. It's really the only way one can continue on even after you have died. I'm not going to get all philosophical on you or anything, and talk about life and death and leaving a legacy. I'm far from either of those and that's just a little too deep for this humble blog.

So here we are. Write to me, share your thoughts, ask your questions. I'm not here to answer those questions, but to help look for those answers with you. To explore thoughts and tangents of no boundary. Hopefully I'll be able to get some people to join in and make this interesting. Tell someone else if you like this or this idea. Share away, and be shared with. I'm going to stop this before I start sounding like Mr. Rogers. God help us all.

The D