Weight, Worth, and a peanut.
Weight Update! I actually went under 200 a couple days ago. This morning: 198. My goal was to get below 200 lbs. by October 1st. I kind of beat that goal. It took just under 4 weeks to drop 17 pounds. And you know what? I look good dammit. I can see a pretty big difference and it's great to see and I've even had people notice too. So this just ads to my good mood. (I'll explain later)
More good news. I sang at my church Sunday, and it went off great. Couldn't hear a pin drop during the song, and I received several compliments from people and a few surprised looks when they found out I wrote it. So good stuff there.
I'm also quitting my job tomorrow. This is very. good. news.
On a slightly sadder note, I've had to say several goodbyes this week, and I still have several more. It hasn't been a fun week to say the least. This is also why I haven't really been blogging. I said goodbye to my choir directors and the reactions were pretty much unanimous. Even from individuals, they were very sad to hear of my upcoming departure. One woman in my choir even offered an empty room in her house that I could live in for free if I would stay. It was very flattering that someone would offer me that just to stay in the area.
I still have to say goodbye the the choirs themselves, three of them to be exact. These goodbyes are not something I'm looking forward to. It's about 60 or so people in all between the three. When I first moved here 3 years ago, I told myself I wouldn't set any roots because I knew I wouldn't be staying. Roots or no roots, it's going to be very difficult to leave this area because of these relationships I've formed. Without these friendships, my goodbye would be much easier, but what I am saying goodbye to would be empty; wasted.
A man's worth can be measured by the sadness when he leaves. (I made that up, so don't steal it) If that's the case, there have been and will be several times when I wish I was worthless.
I mentioned that there's several good things that are just adding to my already good mood. Know why? Cause I gotta peanut. ;-)
More good news. I sang at my church Sunday, and it went off great. Couldn't hear a pin drop during the song, and I received several compliments from people and a few surprised looks when they found out I wrote it. So good stuff there.
I'm also quitting my job tomorrow. This is very. good. news.
On a slightly sadder note, I've had to say several goodbyes this week, and I still have several more. It hasn't been a fun week to say the least. This is also why I haven't really been blogging. I said goodbye to my choir directors and the reactions were pretty much unanimous. Even from individuals, they were very sad to hear of my upcoming departure. One woman in my choir even offered an empty room in her house that I could live in for free if I would stay. It was very flattering that someone would offer me that just to stay in the area.
I still have to say goodbye the the choirs themselves, three of them to be exact. These goodbyes are not something I'm looking forward to. It's about 60 or so people in all between the three. When I first moved here 3 years ago, I told myself I wouldn't set any roots because I knew I wouldn't be staying. Roots or no roots, it's going to be very difficult to leave this area because of these relationships I've formed. Without these friendships, my goodbye would be much easier, but what I am saying goodbye to would be empty; wasted.
A man's worth can be measured by the sadness when he leaves. (I made that up, so don't steal it) If that's the case, there have been and will be several times when I wish I was worthless.
I mentioned that there's several good things that are just adding to my already good mood. Know why? Cause I gotta peanut. ;-)
It's taken me 4 times that long to gain 7 pounds. I'm jealous! Even though it hurts to see other people sad when you leave, it's much better than the worthless feeling that comes along of not being missed...trust me:) Happy Day Before Quitting!
Matt, at 11:18 AM
I'm going to have to buy some champale tomorrow to celebrate my quitting. Maybe a couple 40's too, we'll invite our homies over and drink some malt liquor.
I should be allowed to leave comments.
The D, at 12:51 PM
Congratulations on the weight loss, job quitting etc. Where are you moving?
hotpinksox, at 3:22 PM
Oh and that is awesome that everyone liked your song. You should write some more.
hotpinksox, at 3:23 PM
I am moving on the 21st of September, though I am coming back up to Massachusetts for a few days later on in the month. I should mention:
THIS MOVE DOES NOT AFFECT MY BLOG. You will still all get your regular dosage of The D, and you'll like it!
The D, at 3:38 PM
i may boycott the D due to his move.
well no not really. hmmph, you big jerk moving AGAIN! we will miss you :)
mel, at 6:29 PM
melissa, be careful with all that we stuff! haha. just kidding
Matt, at 11:53 PM
congratulations and all the best! :)
smallmedium, at 7:51 AM
Beating your weight loss goal. Looking good. Compliments on the song. Quitting your job. Moving.
You know, you could give an old broad like me a heart attack posting ALL THAT in one entry!!!
So you know, you're killing everyone with curiosity about WHERE you're moving right?? Did you win the lottery and buy Little Eden Cay? Or are you off to do mission work in El Salvador? Or is it "down south" to Pennsylvania?? LOL...ya know I had to ask!
Congrats on everything - I hope the move goes smoothly for you.
You know this probably means no more turkey effigies? *sigh*
Oh...and another thing....what the heck happened? One post, you're reeling in sadness and rejection, the next, you're off and running.
Mammy, at 10:04 AM
I'm moving to Long Island NY, back to my parents house for a stint. After that, who knows.
As for my reeling one day and rolling the next, this has been a very topsy turvy week/weekend complete with emotional swings, issues with people, and resolution of issues. What a whirlwind, and it ain't slowin down either.
The D, at 11:32 AM
ACK...you're gonna by in NY !!!! My mom's coming to visit in the first week of Oct..you need to hope in the car with her and come see me =) show off the new bod..it's still bathing suit season here till december or something lol
Anonymous, at 12:48 PM
I'll jump right in the car with her and we'll hope our hearts out Amber. Maybe we'll even do some wishing too! I wish we had a world like yours where I can just get in a car, hope, and I'm magically transported to wherever I wish. Your world is happy and environmentally friendly! If such a place of magic and good thoughts exists, then thank you for showing me the light. Bless your heart. I'm going to go hope myself out of work now, I'll let you know how it turns out.
The D, at 12:59 PM
w00t for typos....hop* not hope. other than that..shut up...go choke on your peanut =P` lol only 98 more days till you can't reach me by car anymore. I got Ezra keeping me in this state till then...you can make a lil detour on the way back to NY right? lol
Anonymous, at 1:12 PM
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