Damn cool hair
I know, I know, I haven't posted in like a year. I hope I haven't lost any fans or readers due to my lack of effort here in blog world. I have a feeling during the move that my posts won't necessarily be all that frequent, but I'll try not to let several days go by between posts. How rude of me. My apologies dear readers!
By the way, the five odd words I used: Tumble, obvious, result, circular, corpse. And yes, I am a hopeless romantic. Check that, I am a hopeful romantic. Either way it's romantic, you know, just like an R-Kelly video.
I'm honestly looking forward to my move more and more now that it is upon my doorstep. I'm just glad it's not a Jehovah's Witness for once. I've already been planning things for down there and it's helping me get excited about going, rather than being sad about leaving. I'm already joined into the bowling league I bowled in for so long. (I'm an avid bowler) If I get a normal job, I may actually help coach the highschool team. I plan on playing golf with my dad as much as I can, and spending time with my mom and watching her photography, which are infestations of oozing beauty. I'm one of those dorky kids that actually enjoys their parents and spending time with them.
I also haven't been into deep thought much lately. My thing is this, I only have 2 1/2 days at work, my choirs are pretty much done, and my responsibility list is very small, just barely bigger than a butterfly's ocular secretion. So my mind is basically on vacation already, and I find myself daydreaming and spacing out quite often, hence the lack of things written on here. I will try my best to get my mind back into working shape and keep current though.
I also had an urge recently to go have me a kid. I was at a park and walked to this very placid pond, where a dad was fishing with his little son. His son had on a fishing hat and tall boots, and was telling his dad when to reel it in every so often, and laughing and falling over periodically. Reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith. Then I wound up at the playground where of course there are more kids running around and playing, and it made me want to have a kid and bring it to the park and teach it how to fish and fall over properly. Don't worry, I'm not going to be reckless and just go have some kids. I mean, what do I look like, an NBA star? I'd end up writing alimony checks faster than an intern stenographer at a Bobby Brown trial.
I've also decided that I really want to get into music. I'm going to record the two songs that I've written at a studio, and write one or two more, and record those into a demo cd. Then I'll send it out to Christian Music companies and see what happens. I'm really excited about that. I love writing, and I can convey plenty of thought and emotion just in words, but when you add music to those words and the music fits the emotion, there is nothing quite like that experience. You just float on that music and you feel every up and down in the notes and the voice; it's almost surreal. So there you go, that's your update on The D. I'll be back soon with posts. I won't forget you!! By the way, I'm becoming a big fan of Lyle Lovett, who reminds me of Gaius Claudius, but without the cool name. Lyle does have him on the hair though, that is some damn cool hair my friends; damn cool hair.
By the way, the five odd words I used: Tumble, obvious, result, circular, corpse. And yes, I am a hopeless romantic. Check that, I am a hopeful romantic. Either way it's romantic, you know, just like an R-Kelly video.
I'm honestly looking forward to my move more and more now that it is upon my doorstep. I'm just glad it's not a Jehovah's Witness for once. I've already been planning things for down there and it's helping me get excited about going, rather than being sad about leaving. I'm already joined into the bowling league I bowled in for so long. (I'm an avid bowler) If I get a normal job, I may actually help coach the highschool team. I plan on playing golf with my dad as much as I can, and spending time with my mom and watching her photography, which are infestations of oozing beauty. I'm one of those dorky kids that actually enjoys their parents and spending time with them.
I also haven't been into deep thought much lately. My thing is this, I only have 2 1/2 days at work, my choirs are pretty much done, and my responsibility list is very small, just barely bigger than a butterfly's ocular secretion. So my mind is basically on vacation already, and I find myself daydreaming and spacing out quite often, hence the lack of things written on here. I will try my best to get my mind back into working shape and keep current though.
I also had an urge recently to go have me a kid. I was at a park and walked to this very placid pond, where a dad was fishing with his little son. His son had on a fishing hat and tall boots, and was telling his dad when to reel it in every so often, and laughing and falling over periodically. Reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith. Then I wound up at the playground where of course there are more kids running around and playing, and it made me want to have a kid and bring it to the park and teach it how to fish and fall over properly. Don't worry, I'm not going to be reckless and just go have some kids. I mean, what do I look like, an NBA star? I'd end up writing alimony checks faster than an intern stenographer at a Bobby Brown trial.
I've also decided that I really want to get into music. I'm going to record the two songs that I've written at a studio, and write one or two more, and record those into a demo cd. Then I'll send it out to Christian Music companies and see what happens. I'm really excited about that. I love writing, and I can convey plenty of thought and emotion just in words, but when you add music to those words and the music fits the emotion, there is nothing quite like that experience. You just float on that music and you feel every up and down in the notes and the voice; it's almost surreal. So there you go, that's your update on The D. I'll be back soon with posts. I won't forget you!! By the way, I'm becoming a big fan of Lyle Lovett, who reminds me of Gaius Claudius, but without the cool name. Lyle does have him on the hair though, that is some damn cool hair my friends; damn cool hair.
Wishes do come true, Dad
Anonymous, at 5:53 PM
It's nice to have stuff set up already for where you are going.
Gaius: it's a funny name.
Ooh, that gives me an idea for your next assignment. Instead of Do Re Mi, you have to write new notes and definitions (a female deer) for each one and it has to fit the song. Go!
Anonymous, at 6:48 PM
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