I can't think
I'm just so drained right now. I can't wait for Monday to come, a nice day off well spent. After my last week, next week, I'll have a few days off, but they will be used for cleaning and packing. I just want a break! It's killed my writing too. There's been so many things circling around that I just feel exhausted and worn out when I get home, and after I get back from the gym, I'm devoid of any energy. Today you get a few rambling thoughts and two pieces of writing.
I feel sorry for my boss' family. Once I leave, he won't be able to go to jobs during the day because he'll have to be in the showroom, and therefore will have to schedule them before and after work. He's not home all that often already, and feels guilty about taking time off from work to be with them. Foolish, foolish man. He's got a really nice family too, I like them. They don't seem to fit with him, it's odd. I only cringe at how long it will take him to realize this and to understand that though you may provide for them financially, emotionally, they may be broke. His kids are still young and growing up, and the years will be past him before he knows it. It's just unfortunate, and I know it happens a lot in this society and country, where the prospect of moving up in the world is more delicious than spending time with your children and spouse. Unfortunately, I think a lot of this comes from selfishness, and that good ol' American drive that often doesn't know when to quit. I am guilty of such a drive a lot of times as well, but I don't have a family around, and am completely faithful to my obligations. This is losing its sense, so I'll stop it now before people start poking their eyes out.
Oh, one quick note. I have been asked now by more than a few people. Yes, I do have another blog created. No, you can't read it, and no, I won't tell you what it's about. And you can't get into it either because it's password protected, and I'm the only one with the password. Wow, that just threw a movie plot into my head, what if I got seriously hurt and lost my memory? The password would be lost forever, but what if it was more important, like a safe deposit box or something. Ok, here's the writing. Background:
Both pieces were written in a creative writing class several years ago. The first one had a specific assignment. Our prof gave us 10 not often used words. We had to use 5 of them in a 10 line poem. It didn't have to rhyme, but it did for me. See if you can figure out the 5 I used.
The second one, we were supposed to compare something to something and they have to be completely unrelated. The one I wrote on here is not the one I used for the assignment, so I don't think anyone has seen it before. Enjoy, and as always, let me know what you think in a comment. Bye for now!
You tumble into me, I tumble into you,
We obviously don't realize the results of what we do.
In a circular type fashion, our actions carry through,
you end up hurting me, so I end up hurting you.
We drain each other drastically, each sweet moment passing by,
with you I might suffer, without you I would die.
Together we can make it, but only if we try.
Promise me you'll be there, look me in the eye.
Your love keeps me alive, as a corpse I'll never be,
If I love you to the end, in the end will you love me?
Your love is like a coffee pot, freshly unpacked from its box, it stands proud on the counter; holding its white plastic head high, and sticking its glass chest out. The first pots of coffee are the best from any coffee pot I've ever had. Every day I wake up, completing my morning with the succulent coffee it provides, making even the best of Starbucks jealous. Over the years, it picks up dirt, coffee stains, and scratches upon its once gleaming white surface. The coffee now isn't the luscious cappu that I once knew, yet it still stands on the counter; stained white face held high; tainted glass chest sticking out, and still proud to be the only thing that can fully complete my morning.
I feel sorry for my boss' family. Once I leave, he won't be able to go to jobs during the day because he'll have to be in the showroom, and therefore will have to schedule them before and after work. He's not home all that often already, and feels guilty about taking time off from work to be with them. Foolish, foolish man. He's got a really nice family too, I like them. They don't seem to fit with him, it's odd. I only cringe at how long it will take him to realize this and to understand that though you may provide for them financially, emotionally, they may be broke. His kids are still young and growing up, and the years will be past him before he knows it. It's just unfortunate, and I know it happens a lot in this society and country, where the prospect of moving up in the world is more delicious than spending time with your children and spouse. Unfortunately, I think a lot of this comes from selfishness, and that good ol' American drive that often doesn't know when to quit. I am guilty of such a drive a lot of times as well, but I don't have a family around, and am completely faithful to my obligations. This is losing its sense, so I'll stop it now before people start poking their eyes out.
Oh, one quick note. I have been asked now by more than a few people. Yes, I do have another blog created. No, you can't read it, and no, I won't tell you what it's about. And you can't get into it either because it's password protected, and I'm the only one with the password. Wow, that just threw a movie plot into my head, what if I got seriously hurt and lost my memory? The password would be lost forever, but what if it was more important, like a safe deposit box or something. Ok, here's the writing. Background:
Both pieces were written in a creative writing class several years ago. The first one had a specific assignment. Our prof gave us 10 not often used words. We had to use 5 of them in a 10 line poem. It didn't have to rhyme, but it did for me. See if you can figure out the 5 I used.
The second one, we were supposed to compare something to something and they have to be completely unrelated. The one I wrote on here is not the one I used for the assignment, so I don't think anyone has seen it before. Enjoy, and as always, let me know what you think in a comment. Bye for now!
You tumble into me, I tumble into you,
We obviously don't realize the results of what we do.
In a circular type fashion, our actions carry through,
you end up hurting me, so I end up hurting you.
We drain each other drastically, each sweet moment passing by,
with you I might suffer, without you I would die.
Together we can make it, but only if we try.
Promise me you'll be there, look me in the eye.
Your love keeps me alive, as a corpse I'll never be,
If I love you to the end, in the end will you love me?
Your love is like a coffee pot, freshly unpacked from its box, it stands proud on the counter; holding its white plastic head high, and sticking its glass chest out. The first pots of coffee are the best from any coffee pot I've ever had. Every day I wake up, completing my morning with the succulent coffee it provides, making even the best of Starbucks jealous. Over the years, it picks up dirt, coffee stains, and scratches upon its once gleaming white surface. The coffee now isn't the luscious cappu that I once knew, yet it still stands on the counter; stained white face held high; tainted glass chest sticking out, and still proud to be the only thing that can fully complete my morning.
I like that writing assignment idea - I just might use that on my boys (we homeschool them).
Hmmm...the 5 you used? Tumble, circular, drastically, suffer, corpse?
I really like the coffee pot one. Very sweet, very sentimental and so reflective of marriage or long term relationships.
Mammy, at 9:46 AM
I pick the same 5 but drain instead of suffer or obviously. I don't know why I picked that one. I just did. And I do.
Hey, are you and Matt married by common law now? Are you making a citizens divorce?
For your next blog, try to use three of these five phrases:
1) "bigger than a butterfly's ocular secretion"
2) "reminds me of Gaius Claudius, but without the cool name"
3) "writin' faster than an intern stenographer at a Bobby Brown trial"
4) "an infestation of oozing beauty"
5) "a fidgeting, fig-eating effigy"
Anonymous, at 1:17 AM
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